
A script to control Spotify over dbus - good for keybinding

Primary LanguageGo


A script to control Spotify over dbus - good for keybinding and getting album artwork.

# print current song: 'artist "track" (spotify rating)' - I use it for conky
spotify-ctrl [-i]

spotify-ctrl next
spotify-ctrl prev
spotify-ctrl pause		# pause toggle
spotify-ctrl url 			# print the current song url

# open a url
spotify-ctrl http://open.spotify.com/track/1ipS1pdAnpqTz0QMZePTz1

Passing -i will also attempt to download album art image from spotify

Images are stored in ~/.spotify-art/ , make this directory ahead of time. If the image does not exist it is downloaded. If it exists a hard link 'cur' is made to the appropriate image.

My conky lines lookslike this:

${execi 10 /opt/bin/go-spotify -i}
${image ~/.spotify-art/cur -n -p 0,27 -s 286x286}