
Material from RR course in Dortmund

Primary LanguageHTML


Material from RR course in Dortmund:

  • The folder SAS contains the source and the resulting files (Word doc, PDF and HTML) from a markdown knitr document that was used in conjunction with SAS.
  • The folder papeR_manual contains the figures that were produced by Using_papeR.Rmd.
  • README.md (this file)
  • Using_papeR.Rmd is a knitr markdown file which produces the manual for package papeR which produces
  • first_knitr.Rnw is the main knitr document as produced in the course (with some small changes and better documentation).
    • first_knitr.R is the result from running purl on the knitr document first_knitr.Rnw.
  • tables.Rnw an example that shows the results of papeR::latex.table.xxx()

Especially for all participants of the workhop:

Please feel free to download the material, fork the repository or add patches or to add an issue (e.g., questions or bug reports).

Package papeR

  • For a manual simply click on Using_papeR.md.
  • An example of summary tables that were created using papeR::latex.table.xxx() is given in tables.Rnw.