
File System for Browser JS / nw.js (Used in Tonyu2, jslesson )

Primary LanguageJavaScript


File System for Browser JS / nw.js

Quick start

download www/gen/FS.js (Using require.js is recommended)

Run in browser

FS.get method returns a File Object which can access to localStorage

<script src="path/to/FS.js"></script>
  var mydir=FS.get("/mydir/");// Directory in localStorage
  var myfile=mydir.rel("myfile.txt");  // File in localStorage (/mydir/myfile.txt)
  myfile.text("my content"); // write file
  alert(myfile.text()); // read file
  mydir.each(function (f) { // ls mydir

Run in nw.js

Almost same as running in Browser, but FS.get returns a File Object which can access to local files

var mydir=FS.get("/mydir/");// Directory in local file(Linux/Mac)
var mydir=FS.get("C:/mydir/");// Directory in local file(Windows)

##Quick Reference for File Object

File Object cab be get by calling FS.get(path). f and d is a File Object which represents a file and directory respectively. fd can be either file or directory.

  • f.text(str) write str to the file
  • f.text() returns file content of the file in string
  • f.obj(o) write object o in JSON to the file
  • f.obj() returns the file content as object. The content of the file should be written in JSON
  • f.bytes(b) write ArrayBuffer/Buffer(node) to the file
  • f.bytes() returns file content as ArrayBuffer(browser)/Buffer(node)
  • f.getBytes({binType:ArrayBuffer}) returns file content as ArrayBuffer(both in browser and node)
  • d.each(func) iterates over the directory by passing each File Object to func
  • d.recursive(func) iterates over all files in the directory and its subdirectory by passing each File Object to func
  • d.listFiles() returns array of File Objects which represents all files in the directory
  • d.ls() returns array of names of all files in the directory
  • d.rel(relPath) returns new File Object specified by the relative path
  • d.relPath(base) returns the relative path of the file from the base File Object.
  • fd.up() returns new File Object which is parent of the file/directory.
  • fd.path() returns the full path of the file/directory
  • fd.name() returns the name of the file/directory
  • fd.ext() returns the extention of the file/directory
  • fd.truncExt(e) returns the name removing e (when e is ommited, equals to fd.ext() )
  • f.lastUpdate() return the file's time stamp as the number corrensponding to the value of Date.getTime
  • f.rm() removes the file
  • d.rm() removes the directory if it is empty
  • d.rm({r:true}) removes the directory and all subfiles/subdirectories.
  • fd.exists() checks whether the file/directory exists
  • fd.isDir() checks whether the File Object is directory
  • f.copyFrom(src) copies from src(File Object) to the file
  • f.copyTo(dst) copies the file to dst(File Object)
  • f.moveFrom(src) moves from src(File Object) to the file
  • f.moveTo(dst) moves the file to dst(File Object)
  • d.mkdir() creates the directory