
Primary LanguageJava



Once you checkout this project into directory rh-sso, make sure to create configuration file secretstuff/sso/config where secretstuff is the directory on same level like rh-sso directory (In other words, the rh-sso and secretstuff directories have same parent).

Take a look at file bin/config-template how configuration values need to be filled according your environment. The environment assumes that you have hybrid cloud of 3 openshift clusters. In this example, we assume they are executed on Amazon AWS, Azure and Google, but you can use any other vendors.

There is an alternative to run the example on single cluster on localhost, which is useful for testing purposes. See below for details on how to configure it.

Single cluster setup without JDG integration

This is the most easy setup, which you need to use in case that RHSSO will be deployed just on single cloud. In this case, there is no need to save users and sessions into external JDG server as there won't be any replication to other clouds. So users will be saved in MySQL DB provided by "sso-mysql" service and sessions will be saved just in embedded infinispan caches within RHSSO server process.

  1. Configure the environment in the config file, so that JDG_INTEGRATION_ENABLED=false . There are more
    configuration properties, which are not needed. Some others will need to be changed based on where the game client will be running, Values of your SMTP server and also "Google" and "developers.redhat.com" identity providers. See the bin/config-template for more details how should be properties configured.

  2. For Google, you will need to create project on Google console and add authorizard redirect uris based on your environment. You will need to obtain clientId/clientSecret of your Google project and configure as the values of GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET . See Keycloak documentation - chapter Identity Brokering) for more details here: https://www.keycloak.org/docs/latest/server_admin/index.html#google .

For developers.redhat.com you will either need to remove the developers identity provider from realm summit or contact the owners of that domain.

  1. Login to oc on the command line

  2. Run bin/run-sso-single.sh

All clusters setup working with JDG

On real clusters (AWS, Private, Azure), there needs to be openshift project datagrid with deployed JDG server (more accurately it is Infinispan server 9.2.0). Every cluster has the JDG available as a service. Any other pods, even from different projects (EG. RHSSO), can connect to JDG through Hotrod protocol on jdg-app-hotrod.datagrid.svc:11222 .

This example assumes that JDG servers on various clusters communicate with each other through JGroups RELAY2 protocol. Steps how to setup and deploy JDG servers are outside of scope of this README as it's more related to JDG rather than RH SSO. More info could be found in https://github.com/rhdemo/jdg-as-a-service .

Steps to deploy:

  1. In the config file ../secretstuff/sso/config , make sure that:
  • Property PROJECT is set to some value, so it doesn't clash with other potentially existing projects on the cluster.
  • JDG related properties are configured like this (Explanation: We want JDG integration enabled. JDG host and port are available on all 3 clusters through the service with well-known name as described above. JDG_SITE is autodetected according to cluster in which you are logged on, so it's not needed to configure this property):
export JDG_HOST=jdg-app-hotrod.datagrid.svc
export JDG_PORT=11222
  1. Run bin/run-sso-all.sh

Deploy SSO to work with JDG on localhost

If you want to test SSO with JDG on local openshift (either executed through oc cluster up or minishift), it's actually bit more complicated as you also need to provision JDG cluster locally. The steps are:

  • Checkout jdg-as-a-service project from git: https://github.com/rhdemo/jdg-as-a-service . See the README file: https://github.com/rhdemo/jdg-as-a-service/blob/infinispan/README.asciidoc . You need to simulate 3 sites locally. I am using same openshift server and just 3 different projects like infinispan, infinispan-2, infinispan-3.

  • In the rh-sso project, the configuration may look like this. Note that stage points to the site, where you deployed infinispan project when you deployed JDG clusters in previous step. Site needs to be specified as the auto-detection won't work on the non-real servers:

export JDG_SITE=Private
export JDG_HOST=jdg-app-hotrod.datagrid.svc
export JDG_PORT=11222
  • On local network, the communication between JDG clusters won't work. At least for me, it doesn't work. It's due the fact that JGroups RELAY stack in JDG servers is configured with some special JGroups protocols to work on real network, however it seems that working on local "simulated" network doesn't work. This is not an issue. The most important is, if SSO server is able to connect to JDG server on stage site (project infinispan). In real clusters environment, the communication between JDG servers through RELAY works and it's provided by jdg-as-a-service project.

Monitor JDG Remote cache

We have some possibility to monitor JDG remote caches for debugging purposes. Assuming ROUTE is something like https://secure-sso-sso.

Size of the specified cache

curl --insecure $ROUTE/auth/realms/summit/remote-cache/userStorage/size

Contains specified key:

curl --insecure $ROUTE/auth/realms/summit/remote-cache/userStorage/contains/id.john@email.cz

Keys of the specified cache (WARNING: Use with care if there is big amount of keys. It could theoretically cause OOM or such):

curl --insecure $ROUTE/auth/realms/summit/remote-cache/sessions/keys

Periodic monitoring of clusters

We have script, which can be used to periodically run the test every 5 minutes to check if all 3 clusters (AWS, Azure and Google) are connected with each other. The test ( JDGUsersTest ) does some CRUD of users on every cluster and then check if updates are visible on other clusters. So if there is SSO or JDG issue (EG. split-brain) the test should immediatelly detect this and ends with failure. So just run this:
