A WIP Implementation of a Physically Plausible (PBR/PBS) HLSL Shader for the Maya Viewport 2.0

Primary LanguageMathematica


A WIP Implementation of a Physically Plausible (PBR/PBS) HLSL Shader for the Maya Viewport 2.0

What's new?

  • opacity (In maya you there are several alpha sorting methods with VP2, I think weighted average works best and depth peeling doesn't seem to work right most of the time)
  • vertex baked AO
  • I recently re-organize the properties
  • Exposure for IBL diffuse / specular (uses pre-convolved .dds lighting cubes.) (To Do: implement HDR source images for cubes. The intent is that this shader use all source art - your pipeline will, combine masks, swizzle channels, compress and crunch data into an optimized version if you are using this to create game art.)
  • in test I used IBL's generated with: https://github.com/derkreature/IBLBaker
  • and the shader ball is from: https://github.com/derkreature/ShaderBall

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I have to give thanks ... there is a ton of useful information out on the web, all you have to do is start googling topics like PBR; you will find a myriad of papers, forum posts, tutorials, personal projects and the likes. I did not create or invent anything new here (I used a variety of methods and made whatever tweaks and changes made my implementation work.)

Some help stands out more then others:











And of course, thanks to eveyone who contributed to those guys project and inspirations...