latex-inspired-xml-markup-language to epub,azw,azw2,html,pdf converter
This code is still heavily in development. If you want to give it a spin then checkout the development branch.
checkout development branch
type-in: make (and keep your fingers crossed)
Convert XML to latex:
./xml2epub -l true < example.xml > output.tex
Convert XML to html:
./xml2epub -l false < example.xml > output.tex
more formats to come, see
./xml2epub --help
tidy (
libxml++ (
FUTURE: zipios++
xelatex with unicode-math support (you NEED texlive>=2012!!!!)
gs,pdf2ps,ps2eps etc. (ghostscript and ghostscript helper tools)
gnuplot (with epslatex terminal)
Later the above runtime dependencies will be integrates into the code base