This package supplies the necessary functions in order to synthesize speech from a phonemic transscription. Furthermore, it defines helpers to improve the result if more information as the pitch contour is available.
This python tool is based on the work and on the Matlab code on Yingming Gao.
The overall logic is in
which executes the approriate functions from top to bottom. The functions are supplied by the other files.
In the since VTL version 2.3 which can be downloaded as free software from most of the functionality implemented here is available directly from the VTL api. Please use the VTL api directly.
As the and the JD2.speaker is GPL v3 the rest of the code here is GPL as well. If the code is not dependent on VTL anymore you can use it under MIT license.
This research was supported by an ERC advanced Grant (no. 742545), by the University of Tübingen and by the TU Dresden.