
mchf WIKI, bugtracking-system and firmware with configuration files for use with Eclipse, CoIDE and makefile

Primary LanguageC

This is the GitHub Repo related to firmware and bootloader for SDR-QRP-transceiver mcHF.

Explanation of different branches:

master: latest STABLE version
testing: latest upcoming version in testing stage, containing changes from actual work of every developer
devel-ABCDEF-0.0.xxx.yyy.z: devel version of specific developer.

Master and testing include binaries to use for end-users. It is recommended only to use these two branches as end-user!

All other branches may or may not include binaries. Use is "for your own risk". Code maybe non-functional or instable.

If you want to take part in development use testing-branch as base for creating your own branch named as "devel-ABCDEF...." above. Testing branch is the most up-to-date branch containing pre-release versions of the work of the whole community.

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