
Power Query common library

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Microsoft Power Query library for most popular API

How to use

Connecting library and functions-loader in Excel or Power BI

Library connection
  1. Create Blank Query and name it "Library" (with a capital letter).
  2. Copy and paste the code below through the Advanced Editor.
  CDN = "https://rawgit.com/power-query/power-query-library/master/library/library.json",
  JSON = Json.Document(Binary.Buffer(Web.Contents(CDN))),
  Names = Record.FieldNames(JSON),
  Function.Evaluate = (code as text) as function => Expression.Evaluate(code, #shared),
  Transforms = List.Transform(Names, each {_, Function.Evaluate})

  Record.TransformFields(JSON, Transforms)


CDN-link to the library may change in the near future. If you encounter an error "DataSource.Error: Web.Contents failed to get contents" in Power Query, please go to this page for the renew your code.

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Library functions-loader connection
  1. Create Blank Query and name it "__" (double underscore).
  2. Copy and paste the code below through the Advanced Editor.
(name) => Record.Field(Library, name)

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Thanks tycho01 for the loader idea :)

Using the library functions in Excel or Power BI

Connect as necessary library functions in your Queries as shown in the example below.

  Value.TypeToText = __("Value.TypeToText")

Also, you can call library functions without prior declaration, like so:


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