
Bublé transform for your esnext tests + a little bit of Babel

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Bublé transform + a little bit of Babel

Build Status js-standard-style npm version Codacy Badge Commitizen friendly


Because a wise man once said your source code should be transpiled with same tool as your tests to avoid any hidden bugs.

The usecase would be transpiling es* source code with Bublé and have tests match as well. An alternative to using babel-register

The primary transformer here is Bublé we only use Babel for support with module import/exports.


npm install buba --save-dev


Source code


buba -i input.js -o output.js
# or with a directory
buba -i src/ -o lib/
# to enable sourceMaps
buba -i input.js -o output.js -s

API Usage

import { transformFile } from 'buba'

const { code, map } = transformFile('input.js', {
  buble: {} // buble options
  babel: {} // babel options


mocha --require buba/register tests/**/*.js
# or
tape --require buba/register tests/**/*.js

With mocha you can also provide buba within the mocha.opts config file:

 --require buba/register
 --reporter spec
 --ui bdd

Currently we only plan to use Babel for modules but you can add support for something like generators by adding a .babelrc file.

API Usage

Just make sure that buba is the 1st thing you require

const prelude = require('./prelude') // prelude has import/export, arrow functions, etc


  • Add Tests
  • Add Bublé options
  • Add CLI supoort - thanks @TylorS