WISE can be set up to run using Docker. We've tested this on the following Linux servers:
- Ubuntu (22.04, 20.04, 18.04)
- Debian
- CentOS
- RedHat (Use CentOS instructions to install Docker)
Minimum recommended server specifications:
- 4GB RAM for small user base
- 20GB disk space
- Install Docker Engine and Docker Compose
- To run Docker as a non-root user, add your user in the docker group
- Run command to add user to docker group
$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
- Run the following command
$ newgrp docker
or logout and login again
- Run command to add user to docker group
- Clone this project
$ git clone https://github.com/WISE-Community/WISE-Docker-Server.git
- Change directory
$ cd WISE-Docker-Server
- Run setup script and follow prompts
WISE-Docker-Server$ sh setup.sh
- Start services
WISE-Docker-Server$ docker compose up
- Open your browser and type in the address to your server. WISE should be running there with default users (be sure to change the password once you log in)
- admin/pass
- preview/wise
- Pull changes
WISE-Docker-Server$ docker-compose pull
- Restart services
WISE-Docker-Server$ docker-compose restart [wise-api-server/wise-client-server]