
Gettext extension support for Smarty templates (*.tpl)

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

What is PoeditSmarty

Library for syncing GetText catalogs with Smarty sources. Library parses files and writes results as xgettext files, which are processed by Poedit parser. Soon I will make C++ version without java.

If you notice oversights, please send me msg. version 3.0.0

alt tag alt tag alt tag

Users Guide

Installation - Java

set file in path

  • You need Java to run it.
  • Download sources and unpack them to any folder.
  • Copy the file PoeditSmarty.jar predetermined folder (And remember the path). For example: C:\Program Files\Poedit\Gettext Tools\bin
  • get java path (And remember the path). For example: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk\bin\java.exe

Parser params:

  • Create new parser in Poedit: File -> Preferences -> Parsers -> New
  • Language: Smarty
  • Parser command: <java.exe path> -jar <PoeditSmarty.jar path> -o %o -c %C -k %K -f %F
  • Parser command For example: "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk\bin\java" -jar "C:\Program Files\Poedit\GettextTools\bin\PoeditSmarty.jar" -o %o -c %C -k %K -f %F
  • List of extensions: *.tpl
  • An item in keywords list: %k
  • An item in input files list: %f
  • Source code charset: %c

global info

  • If java is set as a System variable does not need an absolute path to java.
  • Parser command For example: java -jar "C:\Program Files\Poedit\GettextTools\bin\PoeditSmarty.jar" -o %o -c %C -k %K -f %F
  • It also has support in cli.

Support cmd parameters

  • -c , --code : charset flag.
  • -d , --debug : enable debug.
  • -f , --file : list of input files.
  • -h , --help : Display command line parameters for use.
  • -k , --key : list of keywords.
  • -o , --out : expands to the name of output file.

Known issues

  • I have not found, if found then reported.

Supported formats

{t}Text to be localized{/t}
{t params } 
    multi line with params 
    Line 1
    Line 2 ...
{ "Text to be localized"|_ }
{ _("Text to be localized") }
@niklausburren tnx :)

{_("Text to be (localized)")}
@justanpo tnx :)

{ ngettext("product", "products", $products_count) }

_ Varies according to keyword

{ "Text to be localized"|<keyword> }
{ <keyword>("Text to be localized") }
@IacopoOrtis tnx :)

{t nick=$userName day=$dayOfTheWeek}Hello %1, today is %2.{/t}