
A python etcd client

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


What works

  • get keys
  • ls key [recursive]
  • get
  • set
  • mkdir

What is planned

  • Secure (certificates)
  • delete key
  • delete dir [recusive]
  • TTL for files and dirs
  • wait (and callback)
  • Atomic creation of in-order keys
  • Atomic CAS (Compare And Swap)
  • Atomic CAD (Compare And Delete)
  • Setting keys from files

How to use

Just to get started. Need proper docs

>>> from etcdc.client import Client
>>> c = Client()
>>> c.ls()  # returns a Directory representing '/'
>>> c.ls('/some_dir', recursive=True)  # returns a Directory representing '/some_dir' with nested dirs (recursively)
>>> c.get_keys()  # return a list of keys under '/'
>>> c.get_keys('/some_dir', recursive=True)  # return a list of keys under '/some_dir' recursively
>>> c.get('/some_file')  # Returns a Node  representing '/some_file'
>>> c.set('/some_file', 'some_value')  # Set or create a value for '/some_file' and returns a Node representing the modified or created node


run tests


run tests with coverage

py.test --cov etcdc --cov-report html