Simple plain text modifier in HTML + JS. Just textarea + buttons with JS tranformation functions. Also create simple flash cards on one click, based on plain text from textarea.
- just visit https://holaneu.github.io/textio
- or https://textio.netlify.app ... auto-deployed from this GitHub repo (from master branch) to Netlify.
- backup is also on http://textio.holan.eu (not updated so often)
Tranformation functions:
- Remove empty rows
- Rows to List
- 2 Excel columns to JSON map
- List to Array
- List to Rows
- Editations for TTS reader (row ended by dots, lowercased and first letters uppercased etc.)
- Remove line breaks
- Remove diacritics
- Convert to Slug
- Execute custom JS code (execute any custom JS code written in separate textarea, using JS eval method)
- Load text from external file - txt file from server (EN-slovicka.txt ... EN vocabulary)
- Encode URL
- Dencode URL
Flash cards feature
- Create flash card on one click. Tranform plain text in texarea (editor) into simple flashcards, showing cards randomly. Each text row is tranformed into one card, use separators ('=' or '...') to split row into front and back side of card. Buttons 'Next card' and 'Turn card'.
Load text from file
- It loads static .txt file containing my personal vocabulary (EN -> CZ), list of dozens EN phrases with CZ translations.
Save modified text into .txt file on one click
- Save modified text into .txt file on one click.
Progressive Web App ready
- on mobile phone try to save page to homescreen, then it behaves as separate 'app'.
- more features planned: sharing content (text) from/to Textio and other Android apps.