Devicon aims to gather all logos representing development languages and tools. Each icon comes in several versions: font/svg, original/plain/line, colored/not colored, wordmark/no wordmark.
Devicon it's 78 icons and 200+ versions. And it's growing!
See all available icons on the new website.
Please leave a comment here in order to request an icon.
For a super fast setup go check
2 ways of using devicon:
- Copy/paste svg code (from the svg folder or the project page using your dev tool)
<!-- for git plain version -->
<svg class="devicon-git-plain" viewBox="0 0 128 128">
<path fill="#F34F29" d="M124.742,58.378L69.625,3.264c-3.172-3.174-8.32-3.174-11.497,0L46.685,14.71l14.518,14.518c3.375-1.139,7.243-0.375,9.932,2.314c2.703,2.706,3.462,6.607,2.293,9.993L87.42,55.529c3.385-1.167,7.292-0.413,9.994,2.295c3.78,3.777,3.78,9.9,0,13.679c-3.78,3.78-9.901,3.78-13.683,0c-2.842-2.844-3.545-7.019-2.105-10.521L68.578,47.933l-0.002,34.341c0.922,0.455,1.791,1.063,2.559,1.828c3.779,3.777,3.779,9.898,0,13.683c-3.779,3.777-9.904,3.777-13.679,0c-3.778-3.784-4.088-9.905-0.311-13.683C58.079,83.169,59,82.464,60,81.992V47.333c-1-0.472-1.92-1.172-2.856-2.111c-2.861-2.86-3.396-7.06-1.928-10.576L40.983,20.333L3.229,58.123c-3.175,3.177-3.155,8.325,0.02,11.5l55.126,55.114c3.173,3.174,8.325,3.174,11.503,0l54.86-54.858C127.913,66.703,127.916,61.552,124.742,58.378z"/>
- Add css rules in your stylesheet
.devicon-git-plain {
max-width: 2em;
/* if you want to change the original color */
.devicon-git-plain path {
fill: #4691f6;
- Upload devicon.css and font files to your project
<link rel="stylesheet" href="devicon.css">
<!-- if you want colored versions -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="devicon-colors.css">
- Add icon using tag
<!-- for git plain version -->
<i class="devicon-git-plain"></i>
<!-- for git plain version with wordmark -->
<i class="devicon-git-plain-wordmark"></i>
<!-- for git plain version colored with git main color (devicon-color.css or devicon.min.css required) -->
<i class="devicon-git-plain colored"></i>
<!-- for git plain version with wordmark colored with git main color (devicon-color.css or devicon.min.css required) -->
<i class="devicon-git-plain-wordmark colored"></i>
You can install devicon as a dependency to your project either with NPM or Bower
// NPM
npm install --save devicon
// Bower
bower install --save devicon
Final font is build with Icomoon app
See the devicon.json file or for complete and up to date reference of icon's available versions.
Please have a look at the file
Under MIT Licence
All product names, logos, and brandsare property of their respective owners. All company, product and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement.