
Backtest investment allocations against historical data.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Backtest asset allocations against historical data. A weekend project to help me rebalance my portfolio, and learn some new web technologies.


Almost everything happens client-side in the browser:

  • app interactions,
  • all portfolio computations,
  • chart rendering (using HighCharts),
  • Backbone.js, Underscore, Twitter Bootstrap 2.0, jQuery...

The server is very simple:

  • serves static assets,
  • fetches monthly stock quotes from Yahoo, parses them, returns them as JSON,
  • Flask / Python, hosted on Heroku


  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Run:
    $ virtualenv venv --distribute --no-site-packages
    $ source venv/bin/activate
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Run locally

$ (gem install foreman)
$ foreman start

Deploy to Heroku


$ heroku login
$ heroku create --stack cedar
$ git push heroku master


Developed from my webapp-boilerplate, with thanks to: