Please give Spyrk a try. It's an easy and nice Python Spark Core API module using hammock
A Pyhton module to access your Spark Core using the Spark Cloud API /v1.
This modules requires the requests package, to install just type:
pip install requests
- generating a acces token
- list all your tokens
- deleting an access token
- calling a function
- getting a variable value
- go to Spark Build and create a new App, type in any name you want
- copy the example.cpp into the editor
- hit "Verify" and then "Flash"
- get your deviceID ready, just hit "Cores"
- open your Terminal, start Python and write
create a new object for your Spark Core
>>> from SparkCloudAPI import SparkCore
>>> myCore = SparkCore('', 'YOURPASSWORD', 'YOURDEVICEID')
get an access token
>>> print myCore.getAccessToken()
get all your access tokens
>>> print myCore.getAllTokens()
"token": "3141592653589793238462643383279502884197",
"expires_at": "2014-05-23T15:58:14.959Z",
"client": "spark"
delete an access token
>>> print myCore.deleteToken('3141592653589793238462643383279502884197')
"ok": true
turn your LED on
>>> print myCore.sendFunctionRequest('switchLED', 'on')
"id": "628318530717958647692528",
"name": "test_core",
"last_app": null,
"connected": true,
"return_value": 1
turn your LED off
>>> print myCore.sendFunctionRequest('switchLED', 'off')
"id": "628318530717958647692528",
"name": "test_core",
"last_app": null,
"connected": true,
"return_value": 1
get the value for your variable
>>> print myCore.readVariable('someVariable')