A Django app to gather and send internal Government staff feedback, e.g. for open beta periods
pip install django-feedback-govuk
- Add
to your INSTALLED_APPS settings:
- Create a new email template in the GovUk Notify service, making sure to create a ((feedback_url)) field.
Note that ((feedback_url)) will be a link to the listing view, not an individual piece of feedback.
You'll need an API key and template ID from the gov.uk Notify service.
- Add the following settings to the file:
# Crispy forms
# Gov Notify
# Django Feedback GovUK
"SERVICE_NAME": "<your-service>",
"FEEDBACK_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_ID": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"COPY": {
#...add any copy tags to override here
The copy dict contains string IDs for all user-facing copy, defaulting to the following (override
just the fields you want to, using the {{ service_name }}
variable if necessary for _title and _body strings):
"SUBMIT_TITLE": "Give feedback on {{ service_name }}",
"CONFIRM_TITLE": "Feedback submitted",
"CONFIRM_BODY": "Thank you for submitting your feedback.",
"FIELD_SATISFACTION_LEGEND": "Overall, how did you feel about the service you received today?",
"FIELD_COMMENT_LEGEND": "How could we improve this service?",
"FIELD_COMMENT_HINT": "Do not include any personal or financial information, for example your National Insurance or credit card numbers.",
The email addresses are for every recipient that should get an email when feedback is submitted.
- Build your own templates
Override the built-in templates by making new templates in your app under the
path. You'll need templates for submit.html
, confirm.html
and listing.html
, each of which should load its respective template tag from feedback_submit
and feedback_listing
For example:
{# /your-project/templates/django_feedback_govuk/templates/submit.html #}
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load feedback_tags %}
{% block content %}
{% feedback_submit %}
{% endblock content %}
If you'd like to use the templatetags without causing page loads to new views
- Add the URLs to your project
from django_feedback_govuk import urls as feedback_urls
urlpatterns = [
path("feedback/", include(feedback_urls)),
- Set up user permissions