
Simple Flask site with ancillary logic to deploy on WebFaction

Primary LanguagePython

Flask_wf: Easy flask build on WebFaction

The idea behind this system is to make it easy to create Flask-based web sites on WebFaction's servers in a completely automated way. Rather than having WF create a Flask/WSGI site themselves and then editing the configuration to adapt it, we create a web-socket application and install Apache ourselves as the front-end server.

Since this is early days, there is no accommodation for static files (which it would clearly be advantageous to have Apache server rather than Flask).

At present the only usable (and half-way tested) tasks are:

  • app_create: creates the new application

  • app_delete: deletes the application (leaving the log files in place)

For convenience there are also server_{stop,start,restart} tasks to allow you to manage the server from your local machine.

Some functions may be marked as tasks even though they should not really be so in a production system. This has been done for testing purposes.


Clone the repository. Create a new virtual environment and install the necessary dependencies. It's already recorded as an issue that the requirements file describes dependencies for both testing and deployment, but for now it's convenient not to have to create two separate virtualenvs.

pip install -r requirements.txt

At this point I have no reliable way to run the flask server locally. When that comes along you should be able to run it with the command

python apache2/htdocs/main/__init__.py

This could probably be done relatively easily with another fab task.

Create a file in the project's root directory called credentials.py which assigns your WebFaction username to the username variable and your WebFaction password to thepassword variable. This file is ignored by git, and so should not show up in repositories.

To deploy, ensure that all necessary parameters are established in the fabfile.py file (the changes should all be between the two rows of hash marks towards the top of the file). Then run the command

fab app_create

To remove your existing site to prepare for a new deployment you should run

fab app_delete