
ROS Driver for Bitcraze Crazyflie

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


ROS Driver for Bitcraze Crazyflie (http://www.bitcraze.se/), with the following features:

  • Uses the official python SDK (which needs to be installed/copied separately)
  • Publishes on-board sensors in ROS standard message formats
  • Supports ROS parameters to reconfigure crazyflie parameters

Ashfaq fixed the CMake Install files and I give a couple of hints how to get the Crazyflie working with ROS. You find the original repo at https://github.com/whoenig/crazyflie_ros


Clone the package into your catkin workspace:

git clone https://github.com/smarties181/crazyflie_ros.git

Additionally, you should have the bitcraze SDK on your file system. See https://github.com/bitcraze/crazyflie-clients-python for details. Adapt the setting by open teleop_xbox360.launch <- adapt this <- adapt this

If you want to use joystick teleoperation, you should setup the hector_quadrotor package (http://wiki.ros.org/hector_quadrotor).

Now install the package

catkin_make_isolated --install --force-cmake
source /home/"yourusername"/catkin_ws/install_isolated/-setup.bash

Make sure you have the Crazyflie SDK installed. You'll find it here:


Here you have to make some changes in order to install the cfclient libary correctly: open setup.py file, on line 63 you find cfclient.utils.inputdevices rename it to cfclient.utils.inputreaders

make setup.sh executeable and install it:

sudo ./setup.sh


There are two packages included: crazyflie and crazyflie_demo. Crazyflie contains the driver and a launch file which can be used in your own projects.

Crazyflie_demo contains a small demo for teleoperating the crazyflie with a joystick and visualizing the sensor data in rviz.

You can use

roslaunch crazyflie_demo teleop_xbox360.launch

to teleoperate the crazyflie. Please note that there are (optional) arguments to change the device uri and path to the sdk. See crazyflie_demo/launch/teleop_xbox360.launch for details.

ROS Features


The launch file supports the following arguments:

  • crazyflieSDK: Path to the official SDK from Bitcraze, e.g. ~/crazyflie/crazyflie-clients-python/lib
  • uri: Specifier for the crazyflie, e.g. radio://0/80/2M
  • tf_prefix: tf prefix for the crazyflie frame(s)
  • roll_trim: Trim in degrees, e.g. negative if flie drifts to the left
  • pitch_trim: Trim in degrees, e.g. negative if flie drifts forward

See http://wiki.bitcraze.se/projects:crazyflie:userguide:tips_and_tricks for details on how to obtain good trim values.



Similar to the hector_quadrotor, package the fields are used as following:

  • linear.y: roll [e.g. -30 to 30 degrees]
  • linear.x: pitch [e.g. -30 to 30 degrees]
  • angular.z: yawrate [e.g. -200 to 200 degrees/second]
  • linear.z: thrust [10000 to 60000 (mapped to PWM output)]



  • sensor_msgs/IMU
  • contains the sensor readings of gyroscope and accelerometer
  • The covariance matrices are set to unknown
  • orientation is not set (this could be done by the magnetometer readings in the future.)
  • update: 10ms (time between crazyflie and ROS not synchronized!)
  • can be viewed in rviz



  • sensor_msgs/MagneticField
  • update: 100ms (time between crazyflie and ROS not synchronized!)


  • Float32
  • hPa (or mbar)
  • update: 100ms (time between crazyflie and ROS not synchronized!)


  • Float32
  • Volts
  • update: 100ms (time between crazyflie and ROS not synchronized!)

Similar Projects


  • The dynamic_reconfigure package (http://wiki.ros.org/dynamic_reconfigure/) seems like a good fit to map the parameters, however it has severe limitations:
    • Changed-Callback does not include which parameter(s) were changed. There is only a notion of a level which is a simple bitmask. This would cause that on any parameter change we would need to update all parameters on the Crazyflie.
    • Parameters are statically generated. There are hacks to add parameters at runtime, however those might not work with future versions of dynamic_reconfigure.
    • Groups not fully supported (ros-visualization/rqt_common_plugins#162; This seems to be closed now, however the Indigo binary packages did not pick up the fixes yet).