
Hugo snippets for Atom

MIT LicenseMIT

Atom text snippets for Hugo

Snippets for Hugo's Go templates.

Heavily inspired by regisphilibert/Sublime-Hugo-Snippets


  • Either copy the content of snippets/hugo-snippets.cson and paste it into your Atom snippets file (See the Atom flight manual for further information).
  • Or clone this repository, cd into it and link it to your local Atom packages folder with apm link.


Use "HTML (Go)" as a language type.

Available snippets

Snippet Tab trigger Output
Curlies x {{ }}
Dot dot {{ . }}
If if {{ if }} {{ end }}
If/Else ife {{ if }} {{ else }} {{ end }}
If/Else if ifei {{ if }} {{ else if }} {{ end }}
With with {{ with }} {{ end }}
With/Else withe {{ with }} {{ else }} {{ end }}
Range range {{ range }} {{ end }}
Partial partial {{ partial "" . }}
Block block {{ block "main" . }} {{ end }}
Block define define {{ define "block" }} {{ end }}
Comment comment {{/* */}}
Variable var {{ $var := what }}
Debug debug {{ printf "%#v" }}