
A Pear Runtime hello world using Bare with Expo.


Make sure you have installed on your system:

  • CMake >= 3.25.
  • For Android, installing Android Studio is recommended (you can follow React Native docs), also make sure Android NDK version 25.1.8937393 is installed and set the ANDROID_HOME environment variable (see Configure the ANDROID_HOME environment variable section on React Native docs).


Clone this repo and run:

git submodule update --init --recursive


From now on, you should run npx bare-dev vendor sync after updating bare git submodule.

Now install all the dependencies running npm install or your package manager of preference.

For ease we added a helper script you can simply install running npm link in the project's root -or bin/hello-pear.js or npx hello-pear-.


The first time you run it you need to append the --configure flag:

hello-pear --configure

By default the helpers builds bare for every architecture for both iOS and Android, but a more fine grained build could be achieved:

# iOS simulator only
hello-pear --ios-simulator

# iOS and iOS simulator
hello-pear --ios --ios-simulator

# Android only arm archs
hello-pear --android arm64 arm

# Android only arm64
hello-pear --android arm64

# Android only x86 archs
hello-pear --android x64 ia32

# help
hello-pear --help



After any change in the source code that runs on bare you need to re-run hello-pear in order to apply the changes.

You can check expo-cli docs but as a cheat sheet:

# build and run on iOS connected devices
npx expo run:ios
# clearing the build cache
npx expo run:ios --no-build-cache

# build and run on Android connected devices
npx expo run:android
# clearing the build cache
npx expo run:android --no-build-cache

# just start the local server
npx expo start --dev-client