Ubuntu Touch adaptation for the Fxtec Pro1-X (QX1050)

This is based on Halium 11.0, and uses the mechanism described in this page.

This project can be built manually (see the instructions below) or you can download the ready-made artifacts from GitLab: take the latest archive, unpack the artifacts.zip file (make sure that all files are created inside a directory called out/, then follow the instructions in the Install section.

How to build

To manually build this project, follow these steps:

./build.sh -b workdir  # workdir is the name of the build directory
./build/prepare-fake-ota.sh out/device_pro1x.tar.xz ota
./build/system-image-from-ota.sh ota/ubuntu_command out


  1. Make a backup of your device specific partitions fsc fsg modemst1 modemst2 persist. They can be necessary to restore fully working stock Android. This guide on the F(x)tec Forum explains how to.
  2. Unlock the device bootloader following the usual unlock procedure (enable Developer mode, turn on "OEM unlocking" option, then reboot to bootloader and execute fastboot flashing unlock)
  3. Reboot to bootloader, format userdata (if switching from Android) and flash recovery.img from the build artifacts, then reboot to fastbootd mode:
fastboot format:ext4 userdata
fastboot --set-active=a
fastboot flash recovery out/recovery.img
fastboot reboot fastboot
  1. Flash system.img and boot.img, then reboot:
fastboot flash system_a out/system.img
fastboot flash boot_a out/boot.img
fastboot flash dtbo_a out/dtbo.img
fastboot reboot