- 2
Reading "big" csv files
#142 opened by nlhnt - 6
- 6
krangl vs Kotlin/dataframe
#152 opened by Burtan - 0
- 1
Not parsing embedded json arrays
#151 opened by iamsteveholmes - 1
Improve error message for unnest with empty list
#148 opened by ablaagaard - 2
Consider migrating to apache arrow as backend
#133 opened by holgerbrandl - 1
Column type 1111
#141 opened by jazzysnake - 1
In Jupyter notebook: can't use a desired version of lets-plot when also using krangl.
#143 opened by alshan - 4
Problem integrating krangl in android project
#123 opened by lucsanselme - 2
- 1
Incorrect column type when Long values are present
#138 opened by sorokod - 0
Support Path instead of File API in
#134 opened by holgerbrandl - 1
- 3
Please register SimpleDataFrame for polymorphic serialization in the future if possible.
#131 opened by arybach - 1
Column type -5 is not yet supported
#129 opened by mrfreitas - 3
#127 opened by elect86 - 3
dataFrameOf fails with no rows
#125 opened by ablaagaard - 2
How to use Krangl on Android?
#107 opened by YFChing - 2
Consider adding a replaceColumn() method
#110 opened by devdanke - 5
Add cleanNames function!
#116 opened by carloseguevara - 2
- 1
Improve jupyter kernel integration
#121 opened by holgerbrandl - 1
Timestamp column time not supported
#124 opened by mrfreitas - 5
Rework API to refer to current row with `it`
#122 opened by LeandroC89 - 4
Consider adding option to specify custom NA values while reading a CSV file by passing a list/array of strings
#120 opened by harshit3610 - 4
Support replaceNA?
#118 opened by alphaho - 4
- 2
DataFrame.setNames() waiting String argument
#115 opened by carloseguevara - 1
[doc] Missing links
#114 opened by WojtekPtak - 3
Vector/Array as value?
#113 opened by WojtekPtak - 1
AddColumn At Index
#112 opened by bkenn - 1
Friendly 10 minutes guide
#111 opened by frankgerhardt - 1
- 0
It should also include parent class properties in `Iterable<K>.asDataFrame()`
#108 opened by holgerbrandl - 6
R alternative: Dataframe.drop_na()
#105 opened by TheMrCodes - 0
Consider using sealed interface for DataFrame
#106 opened by holgerbrandl - 0
- 1
API Docs link broken
#103 opened by ss3n - 0
dokka still fails with java 11
#102 opened by holgerbrandl - 0
MathHelper median never works
#98 opened by uwemaurer - 3
Support ZonedDateTime and LocalDateTime DataCol
#87 opened by alphaho - 1
Can you publish the package to maven central
#89 opened by jianlins - 1
Add API to test for list/set inclusion
#99 opened by holgerbrandl - 3
Make DataCol type casting possible
#95 opened by k6av - 1
- 2
Should have FloatCol?
#101 opened by wangtieqiao - 2
Joining empty DataFrame throws exception
#96 opened by uwemaurer - 3
outerJoin not setting the "by" field
#94 opened by uwemaurer - 1