An unofficial PhD Thesis template for pdflatex, lualatex and xelatex for the Technical University of Berlin. The pdf-files are following the PDF/A-1b standard.
- aehr2@Communisystems-Care-GmbH
- alwiebe1990Germany
- ampdes
- anthony-wangDüsseldorf, Germany
- ashyrmamatov01
- BatmanabcdefgMars
- BenefeTechnische Universität Berlin
- CagtayFabryBAM
- ceadmond
- DionysisPap
- FelevoNMT
- felidscheTechnische Universität Berlin
- fishney
- florianblumeTU Berlin
- FranziskaFunke
- ilyes3131
- indieterminacyBrussels, Belgium
- isaac-tesBerlin, Germany
- jendave
- k3yaviThe Wistar Institute
- krishnakumarg1984University College London
- krlwlfrtBerlin
- lapalap@understandable-machine-intelligence-lab
- LSinev
- Michael-Sikorski
- miguelfm
- mxochicaleUniversity College London
- pedrorito@nap-it
- Re-Krass
- rexutLi-Pro.Net
- stefan2904@IAIK, Graz University of Technology
- Tafkas@stripe
- theconsciouspasticcio$HOME