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Get holidays in Japan.


holiday_jp = { git = "", tag = "0.3.0" }
time = "0.3.28"

Already holiday_jp crate was reserved. We need to specify github repository for now.


use holiday_jp::HolidayJp;
use time::{Date, Month};

fn main() {
    let from_date = Date::from_calendar_date(2010, Month::September, 14).unwrap();
    let to_date = Date::from_calendar_date(2010, Month::September, 21).unwrap();
    let holidays = HolidayJp::between(from_date, to_date);
    println!("{}", holidays.first().unwrap().name); // 敬老の日

    let date = Date::from_calendar_date(2016, Month::August, 11).unwrap();
    println!("{}", HolidayJp::is_holiday(date)); // true

See examples/ and run it with cargo run --example basic.

Difference of original holiday_jp crate