NYPL Patron Service

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This package is intended to be used as a Lambda-based Node.js/PHP Patron Service using the NYPL PHP Microservice Starter.

This package adheres to PSR-1, PSR-2, and PSR-4 (using the Composer autoloader).


Homebrew is highly recommended for PHP:

  • brew install php71


  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Install required dependencies.
    • Run npm install to install Node.js packages.
    • Run composer install to install PHP packages.
    • If you have not already installed node-lambda as a global package, run npm install -g node-lambda.
  3. Setup configuration files.
    • Copy the .env.sample file to .env.
    • Copy config/var_env.sample to config/var_dev.env.
  4. Replace sample values in .env and config/var_dev.env.


Various files are used to configure and deploy the Lambda.


.env is used locally for two purposes:

  1. By node-lambda for deploying to and configuring Lambda in all environments.
    • You should use this file to configure the common settings for the Lambda (e.g. timeout, Node version).
  2. To set local environment variables so the Lambda can be run and tested in a local environment. These parameters are ultimately set by the var environment files when the Lambda is deployed.


Configures npm run commands for each environment for deployment and testing. Deployment commands may also set the proper AWS Lambda VPC, security group, and role.

"scripts": {
    "deploy-dev": "node-lambda deploy -e qa -f config/var_qa.env -S config/event_sources_qa.json -o arn:aws:iam::224280085904:role/lambda_basic_execution -b subnet-f4fe56af -g sg-1d544067 -p nypl-sandbox",
    "deploy-qa": "node-lambda deploy -e qa -f config/var_qa.env -S config/event_sources_qa.json -o arn:aws:iam::224280085904:role/lambda_basic_execution -b subnet-f4fe56af -g sg-1d544067 -p nypl-sandbox",
    "deploy-production": "node-lambda deploy -e production -f config/var_production.env -S config/event_sources_production.json -b subnet-f4fe56af -g sg-1d544067",
    "test-patron": "node-lambda run -j tests/events/patron.json -x tests/events/context.json"


Configures environment variables common to all environments.


Configures environment variables specific to each environment.


Configures Lambda event sources (triggers) specific to each environment.


Process a Lambda Event

To use node-lambda to process the sample API Gateway event in event.json, run:

npm run test-patron

Run as a Web Server

To use the PHP internal web server, run:

php -S localhost:8888 -t . index.php

You can then make a request to the Lambda: http://localhost:8888/api/v0.1/patrons.

Swagger Documentation Generator

Create a Swagger route to generate Swagger specification documentation:

$service->get("/swagger", function (Request $request, Response $response) {
    return SwaggerGenerator::generate(__DIR__ . "/src", $response);


Before deploying, ensure configuration files have been properly set up:

  1. Copy config/var_env.sample to config/dev.env, config/var_qa.env, and config/var_production.env.
    • Verify environment variables are correct.
  2. Verify .env has correct settings for deployment.
  3. Verify package.json has correct command-line options for security group, VPC, and role (if applicable).
  4. Verify config/event_sources_dev.json, config/event_sources_qa.json, config/event_sources_production.json have proper event sources.

To deploy to an environment, run the corresponding command. For example:

npm run deploy-dev