
Copying tables between Postgres databases (for analytics purpose)

Primary LanguageRuby

pgcp - Copy PostgreSQL tables between databases (for analytics purpose)

pgcp is a simple tool to copy tables from a source postgres DB to a destination postgres DB.

The main use case of the tool is to make a dump of data from production databases to a centralized database for analytics purpose. Don't expect the copy to be an exact copy, we do drop a lot of table's metadata and only retain what we think is important for analytics.

What we retain:

  • Table's schema structure
  • Table's indexes
  • Table's data

What we don't clone over (non-exhaustive):

  • Sequences (auto increment)
  • Triggers
  • ...


  • Make sure you have psql installed on the machine running pgcp


Install gem from RubyGems

gem install pgcp

Create file ~/.pgcp.yml that contains the credentials of your interested databases:

    user: postgres
    host: your_production.server.com
    user: postgres
    dbname: analytics
    host: your_analytics.server.com


For usage details, runs: pgcp help

Copy a single bookings table from production to analytics:

pgcp -s production_db -d analytics_db -t public.bookings 

Copy multiple tables:

pgcp -s production_db -d analytics_db -t public.bookings public.registrations

Copy all tables in schema public to destination database

pgcp -s production_db -d analytics_db -t public.*

Copy all tables in schema public to destination database, but to a different schema

pgcp -s production_db -d analytics_db -t public.* --force-schema