
code for polite

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Preference-learning Branch

This project is based on the POLITE framework.

Creating Docker image


Note that there might be a problem where the script files or entrypoint.sh are "in the wrong format", make sure that the files are in the "CRLF" format. If you're running via Linux, this might not be a problem.

Run experiments

Here are scripts to run the same experiments as in the paper for synthetic benchmarks.

For the PEBBLE results we use the code implemented at: https://github.com/rll-research/BPref (Using the same hyperparameters as specified in the paper)

For undockerized version, simply remove the "./scripts/run_docker_cpu.sh" part.


POLITE 200 queries

./scripts/run_docker_cpu.sh ./scripts/run_cheetah_POLITE_200.sh

POLITE 400 queries

./scripts/run_docker_cpu.sh ./scripts/run_cheetah_POLITE_400.sh

Baseline 400 queries

./scripts/run_docker_cpu.sh ./scripts/run_cheetah_baseline_400.sh

Baseline 800 queries

./scripts/run_docker_cpu.sh ./scripts/run_cheetah_baseline_800.sh


POLITE 200 queries

./scripts/run_docker_cpu.sh ./scripts/run_walker_POLITE_200.sh

POLITE 400 queries

./scripts/run_docker_cpu.sh ./scripts/run_walker_POLITE_400.sh

Baseline 400 queries

./scripts/run_docker_cpu.sh ./scripts/run_walker_baseline_400.sh

Baseline 800 queries

./scripts/run_docker_cpu.sh ./scripts/run_walker_baseline_800.sh

Running preference learning

To run preference learning all you have to do is to add the preference learning hyperparameters to the hyperparameters/ppo.yml file similar to this:

    active: true
      maximum_segment_buffer: 1000000
      maximum_preference_buffer: 3500
      training_epochs: 10
      batch_size: 32
      hidden_sizes: [64, 64]
      traj_k_lenght: 50
      regularize: false
      custom_oracle: true
      - utils.wrappers.HumanReward:
          human_critic: true
      - pref.callbacks.UpdateRewardFunction:
          human_critic: true
          use_env_name: true
          n_queries: 10
          initial_reward_estimation_epochs: 200
          reward_training_epochs: 50
          truth: 90
          traj_length: 50
          smallest_rew_threshold: 0
          largest_rew_threshold: 0
          verbose: 0
          n_initial_queries: 200
          seed: 12345
          max_queries: 1400
          every_n_timestep: 20000
Hyperparameter Description
active Tells train.py if preference learning should be used
human_critic.maximum_segment_buffer How many segments we can store in our buffer used to collect preference pairs
human_critic.maximum_preference_buffer How many preferences we can store in our buffer used to update reward model
human_critic.training_epochs How many training epochs to run for the reward model (currently overriden by callback.reward_training_epochs)
human_critic.batch_size Batch sizes to be used per reward model update
human_critic.hidden_sizes The FC network architecture to use for the reward model
human_critic.traj_k_lenght The trajectory length for each segment collected for preferences (overrides callback.traj_length)(misspelled)
human_critic.regularize Decide if we should use the critical point loss function
human_critic.custom_oracle If the oracle should calculate loss according to true reward function or if we want to apply some reward shaping (e.g. additional tasks)
wrapper Takes a list of wrappers that should be used in preference learning (Currently only HumanReward is needed)
callback Takes a list of callbacks that should be used in preference learning (Currently only uses UpdateRewardFunction)
callback.n_queries How many queries / preferences to be collected per reward model update
callback.initial_reward_estimation_epochs How many epochs to run for the initial training of the reward model
callback.reward_training_epochs How many epochs to run for the update of the reward model
callback.truth Error rate (to simulate faulty human) for how often the oracle human will give the wrong preference
callback.traj_length Overriden by human_critic
callback.n_initial_queries The initial amount of queries / preferences to collect for the initial reward model update
callback.max_queries The max amount of queries that will be collected before the agent stop asking for more and stop updating the reward model
callback.every_n_timestep The amount of timesteps between each update (currently does nothing as it's always set to 20k)