
Dump of machine learning stuff, mostly rnn and/or related to one kaggle text competition

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Dump of various machine learning practices and stuff, mostly rnn (./ai_rnn_testing_1/tree/master/char_rnn_fastai) and/or related to one kaggle text competition (kaggle.com/c/text-normalization-challenge-english-language)

Notes / Keypoints

  • Test minor codes separately, so many times I’d let it run overnight to notice later that model was using only single characteres instead of letters
    • in the otherhand, nice to see how well character based rnn:s are working
  • Attention models in encoder-decoder are simple to understand and good to use
    • although ensure with graphs that they are working as supposed
    • parameters related to attention might need a bit different learning rate than the rest of the model
  • With pytorch its easy to test custom settings in training (e.g. teacher forcing)
    • but you easily end up doing some custom cpu stuff which results better learning per iteration but very slow iterations
    • so start with simple model, benchmark it
    • always run "watch -n 1 nvidia-smi” and “top” on console to see gpu usage
  • Batch size matters, combined with learning rate
  • Variying data causes problems
    • training with 5 length data and suddenly having 200 length word will easily cause gradient explosion
  • Log everything
    • nice to see what were the couple last samples before gradient explosion (variying data)