
TreeMDown with multiple trees of markdown files

Primary LanguagePHP


This is an extension of TreeMDown to handle and display multiple trees of markdown files.


Via composer

Checkout the current release at packagist.org.

Add to your composer.json:

	"require": {
		"hollodotme/treemdown-multi": "~1.0"

Basic usage


// Require composer autoloading
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use hollodotme\TreeMDown\TreeMDown;
use hollodotme\TreeMDownMulti\TreeMDownMulti;

$multi_view = new TreeMDownMulti();

$multi_view->addTree( new TreeMDown(__DIR__ . '/my_docs'), 'My documents');
$multi_view->addTree( new TreeMDown(__DIR__ . '/your_docs'), 'Your documents');


Advanced Usage

You can configure each of the TreeMDown instances to fit your needs. Please visit the documentation of TreeMDown to see all available options.

Here is a simplyfied example:


// include composer autoloading
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

// IMPORTANT: Don't use hollodotme\**TreeMDown**\TreeMDown here!
// This package has an extended TreeMDown class

use hollodotme\TreeMDownMulti\TreeMDown;
use hollodotme\TreeMDownMulti\TreeMDownMulti;

// Create instance
$multi_view = new TreeMDownMulti();

// Configure your markdown primary dir
$tree1 = new TreeMDown( '/path/to/your/markdown/files' );
$tree1->setProjectName( 'Your markdown files' );

// Configure other dir
// Note: No output options set to show the difference
$tree2 = new TreeMDown( '/path/to/other/markdown/files' );
$tree2->setProjectName( 'Other markdown files' );

// Make "Yours" default (3rd parameter)
$multi_view->addTreeMDown( $tree1, 'Yours', true );
$multi_view->addTreeMDown( $tree2, 'Others' );

// Display