A very simple WebServer hosted on Arduino accessible through home WiFi network.
Supposed to be used as a POC for projects with controlling the board over network (using webbrowser or curl
Currently through the browser one can monitor analog/digital channels, WiFi status and turn on/off builtin LED.
- Arduino board with WiFi module (tested with Arduino UNO WiFi Rev.2)
- Arduino IDE (tested with 1.8.14 hourly build)
- WiFiNINA library installed
Clone (or fork) this repo, cd
to its folder, plug-in your board, put your home WiFi network settings to arduino_secrets.h
(use this file as a template) and upload the sketch
from the console (device port maybe different on your machine)
arduino --upload ArduinoWifiWebserver.ino --port /dev/ttyACM0
or using "Upload" button in Arduino IDE.
Run serial monitor after a while and check if board is connected to WiFi.
After connection to WiFi network is established try to access webserver with a browser or curl
Default IP address for webserver is
(unless it's overridden by your WiFi network).
If you want to change it place something like
WiFi.config(IPAddress(192, 168, 0, 77));
in the sketch.
Tested with WPA2 networks only, but should work with WEP as well.
Does not work in 5Ghz networks (at least Arduino UNO WiFi Rev.2).