

This is a basic database scheme with customers, orders, and sales agents.


Create a REST api server to store and read data from the provided SQLite Database called orders.db. The database is adapted from the sample database found at This a continuation of the java-orders-sqlite project. So start with your java-orders-sqlite project and proceed from there.

  • This is the new stuff!

    • Add Swagger Documentation to your REST APIs

      • Add custom responses to each of the follow error conditions
      • Add custom Swagger Documentation to each of the follow End Points. The rest of the end points may just have the default documentation.
        • GET /customers - returns all the customer
        • GET /customers/custcode/{custcode}
      • For a stretch goal - add custom responses to the rest of the end points
    • Add flyway data migration

      • for this project we will just have the starting migration. The DDL for creating the tables can be found in the file tables.DDL

  • The following is the old stuff!

  • Convert to using SQLite

  • Add additional end points

    • change end points so they return null when no data is found.
    • change end points so they return data that is deleted or a new copy of updated data
  • Expose actuator end points

The table layouts are as follows


    • AGENTCODE primary key, not null Long
    • AGENTNAME string
    • WORKINGAREA string
    • COMMISSION double
    • PHONE string
    • COUNTRY string

    • CUSTCODE primary key, not null Long
    • CUSTNAME String, not null
    • CUSTCITY String
    • WORKINGAREA String
    • CUSTCOUNTRY String
    • GRADE String
    • OPENINGAMT double
    • RECEIVEAMT double
    • PAYMENTAMT double
    • PHONE String
    • AGENTCODE long foreign key (one agent to many customers) not null

    • ORDNUM primary key, not null Long
    • ORDAMOUNT double
    • ADVANCEAMOUNT double
    • CUSTCODE long foreign key (one customer to many orders) not null
    • AGENTCODE long foreign key (one agent to many orders) not null
  • Create the entities needed to store this data

  • connect to the provided SQLite database orders.db

  • Create a generic error html page to return when error 404 happens (the rate of this depends on the user following directions).

  • Create a different generic error html page to return when error 500 happens (this should be rare).

  • Create a different generic error html page to return when an error other than a 404 or 500 happens (what? This should not happen).

  • End points should return the data they worked with or nothing if no data was found

Expose the following end points

  • GET /customers - returns all the customer

  • GET /orders - return all the orders

  • GET /agents - return all the agents

  • GET /customers/custcode/{custcode}

  • GET /orders/ordnum/{ordnum}

  • GET /agents/agentcode/{agentcode}

  • POST /customers - adds a customer

  • POST /orders - adds an order

  • POST /agents - adds an agent

  • PUT /customers/custocode/{custcode} - updates a customer based on custcode

  • PUT /orders/ordnum/{ordnum} - updates an order based on ordnum

  • PUT /agents/agentcode/{agentcode} - updates an agent based on ordnum

  • DELETE /customers/custcode/{custcode} - Deletes a customer based off of their custcode and deletes all their associated orders

  • DELETE /orders/ordnum/{ordnum} - deletes an order based off its ordnum

  • DELETE agents/agentcode/{agentcode} - Deletes an agent if they are not assigned to a customer or order (Stretch Goal)

  • /customers/order - Returns all customers with their orders

  • /customers/name/{custname} - Returns all orders for a particular customer based on name

  • /customers/order/{custcode} - Returns all orders for a particular customer based on custcode

  • /agents - Returns all agents with their customers

  • /agents/orders - Return a list with the agents name and associated order number and order description

  • /customers/{custcode} - Deletes a customer based off of their custcode and deletes all their associated orders

  • /agents/{agentcode} - Deletes an agent if they are not assigned to a customer or order (Stretch Goal)

  • Expose at least the following the actuator endpoints to help with system mangagement

    • /health

    • /inf

    • /metrics

    • Stretch goal - update each of these three actuator endpoints to report your own messages.