This project provides extensions to the Microsoft Visual Studio Team Test unit testing framework. Features include alternatives to ExpectedExceptionAttribute and a fully extensible assertion application programming interface. The extensibility model is designed to allow swapping out the default Assert class and still maintain source code compatibility with the same intrinsic built-in functionality. You're then free to change, customize, or leverage the many built-in extensions.
To switch from a typical assertion model to the extensible assertion model, simply have your test class inherit from the UnitTest base class. This isn't a requirement to make things work, but it's the simplest model for consumption out-of-the-box.
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using System;
public class Person
public Person( string name ) =>
Name = name ?? throw new ArgumentNullException( nameof( name ), "The name cannot be null." );
public string Name { get; }
public class PersonTest : UnitTest
public void ConstructorShouldNotAllowNullName()
Assert.ThrowsIfArgumentNull( ( string name ) => new Person( name ) )
.Verify( e => e.Message == "The name cannot be null." );
If you don't want to use a base class, simply add a property to your existing test class:
public class PersonTest
Asserter Assert { get; } = new Asserter();
public void ConstructorShouldNotAllowNullName()
// arrange
var person = new Person( "Bob" );
// act
var result = person.Name;
// assert
Assert.AreEqual( "Bob", result );
The following outlines the features and extensions provided out-of-the-box:
- Asserter - Base assertion class and adapts over Assert for its default implemention
- CollectionAsserter - Collection assertion class and adapts over CollectionAssert for its default implemention
- ExceptionAsserter - Exception assertion class to further verify parameter names, messages, etc
- IEnumerable<T> - Extension methods to verify various implementations of collections and sequences
- INotifyPropertyChanged - Extension methods to verify implementations of the INotifyPropertyChanged interface
- INotifyCollectionChanged - Extension methods to verify implementations of the INotifyCollectionChanged interface
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