
Project from ACDC 2018 exploring the potential role of isostatic adjustment in producing 1500 year cycles.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


This project sprouted from the group project at ACDC 2018. Here, we explore the potential role of isostatic adjustment in producing 1500 year global cycles in marine ice sheets in particular in the southern hemisphere.

This will serve as documentation for this version of the code. This code version was used to make the plots in our presentation at ACDC.

How to Run

  1. Run iceSpring, which calls on the bedSpring function.
  2. Use plot_stuff.m to view some of the output.

IceBed_v1_DC (Added by DC, 10/3/18) Python version of IceSpring+BedSpring v1 - has the bedspring code embedded in it, so can be run as a stand alone program. Has the same problems as earlier.


  1. The code is not well-annotated.
  2. The code currently calculates the change in the entire ice thickness rather than the change in the ice thickness that is NOT supported by the ocean (through buoyancy).
  3. The slope used in this version is prograde rather than retrograde.