
Your guide to fnding, installing, and running holochain apps

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Holochain Applications

Please note, this repo is out-of-date. Apps for the latest version holochain are not being tracked here.

Your guide to finding and reviewing the status of Holochain apps

There are a variety of distributed applications being built on Holochain. Truthfully, we probably don't know about all of them, but until our distributed app store is more ready for people to reliably share and find apps, we're providing this temporary directory. Please feel free to post a markdown file using the templated format to this repo and send pull requests if you've built or know of apps which should be shared.


Name description URL Status                                           
Holochain Basic Chat Prototype of a distributed replacement for Slack/Mattermost https://github.com/holochain/holochain-basic-chat GitHub last commit
Omni Open Access scholarly communications platform with fully p2p article review system https://github.com/OmniProject/omni GitHub last commit
Personas/Profiles App for people to manage how other apps access their personal information https://github.com/holochain/personas-profiles GitHub last commit
HC-Redux-Middleware Middleware for Redux.js to provide holochain calls https://github.com/holochain/hc-redux-middleware GitHub last commit
Coolcats2 Prototype twitter clone (Rust port of Clutter) https://github.com/pythagorean/coolcats2 GitHub last commit

Apps Written For/With the Holochain prototype (holochain-proto)

These are apps that are good references, but won't work with the modern and supported version of Holochain.

Name description URL Status                                           
Holochat Distributed replacement for slack/mattermost https://github.com/holochain/holochat GitHub last commit
Unter (Uber clone) Let's use Holochain to build an Uber clone minus the middleman https://github.com/ArcadeCity/unter GitHub last commit
Battleship Holochain implementation of the game Battleship https://github.com/willemolding/holochain-battleship GitHub last commit
Notary Notary system built on holochain https://github.com/HC-Interns/notary GitHub last commit
Holo-Health Empowered (person-centric) health marketplace https://github.com/evomimic/holo-health GitHub last commit
Transactor A basic mutual credit currency https://github.com/holochain/transactor GitHub last commit
Fractal Wiki P2P Hypercards within hypercards https://github.com/bifeitang/fractal-wiki GitHub last commit
HoloChess Experimental P2P chess game built on Holochain & Javascript https://github.com/holochain/holochess GitHub last commit
NewCraigslist A distributed Craigslist-like Holochain app prototype developed during the Vancouver Holochain Hackathon! https://github.com/science-girl/NewCraigslist GitHub last commit
Cointoss Demonstrates an algorithmic pattern for "trustable random initiation" in a distributed environment https://github.com/holochain/cointoss GitHub last commit
Minersweeper Massively multiplayer distributed minesweeper https://github.com/HC-Interns/minersweeper GitHub last commit
HCHC: Holochain of Holochains Distributed app store for distributing distributed apps https://github.com/holochain/HCHC GitHub last commit
DAO Holochain implementation of standard ethereum DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) https://github.com/holochain/dao GitHub last commit
Touchpoints Near field communication event triggers and logging https://github.com/holochain/touchpoints GitHub last commit
Unter (Uber clone) Let's use Holochain to build an Uber clone minus the middleman https://github.com/ArcadeCity/unter GitHub last commit
Battleship Holochain implementation of the game Battleship https://github.com/willemolding/holochain-battleship GitHub last commit
Notary Notary system built on holochain https://github.com/HC-Interns/notary GitHub last commit
Holo-Health Empowered (person-centric) health marketplace https://github.com/evomimic/holo-health GitHub last commit
Liquid Wiki Federated qiki ported to Holochain https://github.com/holochain/fed-wiki GitHub last commit
Omni Open Access scholarly communications platform with fully p2p article review system https://github.com/OmniProject/omni GitHub last commit
MailBoox Distributed p2p book library https://github.com/zaunders/MailBoox-rust GitHub last commit
Name description URL Status                                           
Clutter Prototype twitter clone https://github.com/holochain/clutter GitHub last commit
Liquid Wiki Federated wiki ported to Holochain https://github.com/holochain/fed-wiki GitHub last commit
QuerySearch (previously HoloDex) Bridged app for indexing your DHT data https://github.com/HC-Interns/hc-querysearch GitHub last commit
DPKI (Distributed public key infrastructure) Key management and self-sovereign identity https://github.com/holochain/DPKI GitHub last commit
Backups Back up your source chain entries to rebuild your state in case of data loss https://github.com/HC-Interns/proto-hc-backup GitHub last commit
Anchors Keeping your DHT data "found" https://github.com/holochain/mixins GitHub last commit
PeerVis A way to visually see who is online and connected as a peer in your Holochain app https://github.com/holochain/PeerVis GitHub last commit
Scaffold Tool Web tool for rapid creation of DNA structure https://github.com/holochain/scaffold GitHub last commit
DNA-To-OpenAPI given holochain dna, generate a swagger / openapi spec file https://github.com/holochain/dna-to-openapi GitHub last commit
bs-holochain Holochain Bindings for Bucklescript https://github.com/struktured/bs-holochain GitHub last commit

TODO: merge other happs listed here (that are not already listed above): https://developer.holochain.org/docs/guide/built_with_holochain/

Lost/Orphaned apps

If any of these apps belong to you please let us know so we can list them with a URL

  • Trust Graph: Claims, ratings, and reputation
  • Fileshare: P2P filesharing
  • Rochambeaux: Rock-Paper-Scissors (demonstrates use of private chain entries)
  • Agent.Earth: Disaster response
  • Hackstage: Event mangagement
  • MyData private data sharing:
  • Unmute / Medium / P2P Blognet:
  • Building Permits/Approvals:
  • Tagging, Rating & Reviews:
  • Annotate: Attach comments and information
  • Python bridge
  • Bucklescript transpiler - Write Holochain apps in OCaml