
Launching fastlane into the next generation

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT




Twitter: @KauseFx License Coverage Status Gem Build Status

Get in contact with the developers on Twitter: @snatchev and @KrauseFx

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spaceship is part of fastlane: connect all deployment tools into one streamlined workflow.

What's spaceship?

spaceship is a Ruby library that exposes the Apple Developer Center API. It’s super fast, well tested and supports all of the operations you can do via the browser. Scripting your Developer Center workflow has never been easier!

Up until now, the fastlane tools used web scraping to interact with Apple's web services. With spaceship it is possible to directly access the underlying APIs using a simple HTTP client only.

Using spaceship, the execution time of sigh was reduced from over 1 minute to less than 5 seconds.

spaceship uses a combination of 3 different API endpoints, used by the Apple Developer Portal and Xcode. As no API offers everything we need, spaceship combines all APIs for you. More details about the APIs.

More details about why spaceship is useful on spaceship.airforce.

No matter how many apps or profiles you have, spaceship can handle your scale.

Enough words, here is some code:

# Create a new app
app = Spaceship.app.create!(bundle_id: "com.krausefx.app", name: "Spaceship App")
# Use an existing certificate
cert = Spaceship.certificate.production.all.first
# Create a new provisioning profile
profile = Spaceship.provisioning_profile.app_store.create!(bundle_id: app.bundle_id,
                                                         certificate: cert)
# Print the name and download the new profile
puts "Created Profile " + profile.name


How fast are tools using spaceship compared to web scraping?



sudo gem install spaceship


To quickly play around with spaceship launch irb in your terminal and execute require "spaceship".


Spaceship.login("felix@krausefx.com", "password")

Spaceship.select_team # call this method to let the user select a team


# Fetch all available apps
all_apps = Spaceship.app.all

# Find a specific app based on the bundle identifier
app = Spaceship.app.find("com.krausefx.app")

# Show the names of all your apps
Spaceship.app.all.each do |app|
  puts app.name

# Create a new app
app = Spaceship.app.create!(bundle_id: "com.krausefx.app_name", name: "fastlane App")


# Fetch all available certificates (includes signing and push profiles)
certificates = Spaceship.certificate.all

Code Signing Certificates

# Production identities
prod_certs = Spaceship.certificate.production.all

# Development identities
dev_certs = Spaceship.certificate.development.all

# Download a certificate
cert_content = prod_certs.first.download

Push Certificates

# Production push profiles
prod_push_certs = Spaceship.certificate.production_push.all

# Development push profiles
dev_push_certs = Spaceship.certificate.development_push.all

# Download a push profile
cert_content = dev_push_certs.first.download

Create a Certificate

# Create a new certificate signing request
csr, pkey = Spaceship.certificate.create_certificate_signing_request

# Use the signing request to create a new distribution certificate
Spaceship.certificate.production.create!(csr: csr)

# Use the signing request to create a new push certificate
Spaceship.certificate.production_push.create!(csr: csr, bundle_id: "com.krausefx.app")

Provisioning Profiles

Receiving profiles

##### Finding #####

# Get all available provisioning profiles
profiles = Spaceship.provisioning_profile.all

# Get all App Store profiles
profiles_appstore = Spaceship.provisioning_profile.app_store.all

# Get all AdHoc profiles
profiles_adhoc = Spaceship.provisioning_profile.ad_hoc.all

# Get all Development profiles
profiles_dev = Spaceship.provisioning_profile.development.all

# Fetch all profiles for a specific app identifier for the App Store
filtered_profiles = Spaceship.provisioning_profile.app_store.find_by_bundle_id("com.krausefx.app")

##### Downloading #####

# Download a profile
profile_content = profiles.first.download

# Download a specific profile as file
my_profile = Spaceship.provisioning_profile.app_store.find_by_bundle_id("com.krausefx.app")
File.write("output.mobileprovision", my_profile.download)

Create a Provisioning Profile

# Choose the certificate to use
cert = Spaceship.certificate.production.all.first

# Create a new provisioning profile with a default name
# The name of the new profile is "com.krausefx.app AppStore"
profile = Spaceship.provisioning_profile.app_store.create!(bundle_id: "com.krausefx.app",
                                                         certificate: cert)

# AdHoc Profiles will add all devices by default
profile = Spaceship.provisioning_profile.ad_hoc.create!(bundle_id: "com.krausefx.app",
                                                      certificate: cert,
                                                             name: "Profile Name")

# Store the new profile on the filesystem
File.write("NewProfile.mobileprovision", profile.download)

Repair all broken provisioning profiles

# Select all 'Invalid' or 'Expired' provisioning profiles
broken_profiles = Spaceship.provisioning_profile.all.find_all do |profile| 
  # the below could be replaced with `!profile.valid?`, which takes longer but also verifies the code signing identity
  (profile.status == "Invalid" or profile.status == "Expired") 

# Iterate over all broken profiles and repair them
broken_profiles.each do |profile|
  profile.repair! # yes, that's all you need to repair a profile

# or to do the same thing, just more Ruby like
Spaceship.provisioning_profile.all.find_all { |p| !p.valid? }.map(&:repair!)


all_devices = Spaceship.device.all

# Register a new device
Spaceship.device.create!(name: "Private iPhone 6", udid: "5814abb3...")


# Use the InHouse class to get all enterprise certificates
cert = Spaceship.certificate.in_house.all.first 

# Create a new InHouse Enterprise distribution profile
profile = Spaceship.provisioning_profile.in_house.create!(bundle_id: "com.krausefx.*",
                                                        certificate: cert)

# List all In-House Provisioning Profiles
profiles = Spaceship.provisioning_profile.in_house.all

Multiple Spaceships

Sometimes one spaceship just isn't enough. That's why this library has its own Spaceship Launcher to launch and use multiple spaceships at the same time 🚀

# Launch 2 spaceships
spaceship1 = Spaceship::Launcher.new("felix@krausefx.com", "password")
spaceship2 = Spaceship::Launcher.new("stefan@spaceship.airforce", "password")

# Fetch all registered devices from spaceship1
devices = spaceship1.device.all

# Iterate over the list of available devices
# and register each device from the first account also on the second one
devices.each do |device|
  spaceship2.device.create!(name: device.name, udid: device.udid)

More cool things you can do

# Find a profile with a specific name
profile = Spaceship.provisioning_profile.development.all.find { |p| p.name == "Name" }

# Add all available devices to the profile
profile.devices = Spaceship.device.all

# Push the changes back to the Apple Developer Portal

# Get the currently used team_id

# We generally don't want to be destructive, but you can also delete things
# This method might fail for various reasons, e.g. app is already in the store
app = Spaceship.app.find("com.krausefx.app")

Spaceship in use

The beta version of sigh is already using spaceship to communicate with Apple's web services. You can see all relevant source code in runner.rb.

Full Documentation

The detailed documentation of all available classes is available on RubyDoc.

Example Data

Some unnecessary information was removed, check out provisioning_profile.rb for all available attributes.

The example data below is a provisioning profile, containing a device, certificate and app.

      @name="Felix iPhone 6", 
    >,  ...], 
      @name="iOS Distribution", 
      @expires=#<DateTime: 2016-02-10T23:44:20>
  @expires=#<DateTime: 2016-02-10T23:44:20>, 
  @name="com.krausefx.app AppStore", 
    @name="App Name", 

Technical Details

HTTP Client

Up until now all fastlane tools used web scraping to interact with Apple's web services. spaceship uses a simple HTTP client only, resulting in much less overhead and extremely improved speed.

Advantages of spaceship (HTTP client) over web scraping:

  • Blazing fast 🚀 90% faster than previous methods
  • No more overhead by loading images, HTML, JS and CSS files on each page load
  • Great test coverage by stubbing server responses
  • Resistant against design changes of the Apple Developer Portal
  • Automatic re-trying of requests in case a timeout occurs
  • By stubbing the spaceship objects it is possible to also implement tests for tools like sigh

API Endpoints

I won't go into too much technical details about the various API endpoints, but just to give you an idea:

  • https://idmsa.apple.com: Used to authenticate to get a valid session
  • https://developerservices2.apple.com:
  • Get a detailed list of all available provisioning profiles
  • This API returns the devices, certificates and app for each of the profiles
  • Register new devices
  • https://developer.apple.com:
  • List all devices, certificates and apps
  • Create new certificates, provisioning profiles and apps
  • Delete certificates and apps
  • Repair provisioning profiles
  • Download provisioning profiles
  • Team selection

spaceship uses all those API points to offer this seamless experience.

Magic involved

spaceship does a lot of magic to get everything working so neatly:

  • Sensible Defaults: You only have to provide the mandatory information (e.g. new provisioning profiles contain all devices by default)
  • Local Validation: When pushing changes back to the Apple Dev Portal spaceship will make sure only valid data is sent to Apple (e.g. automatic repairing of provisioning profiles)
  • Various request/response types: When working with the different API endpoints, spaceship has to deal with JSON, XML, txt, plist and sometimes even HTML responses and requests.
  • Automatic Pagination: Even if you have thousands of apps, profiles or certificates, spaceship can handle your scale. It was heavily tested by first using spaceship to create hundreds of profiles and then accessing them using spaceship.
  • Session, Cookie and CSRF token: All the security aspects are handled by spaceship.
  • Profile Magic: Create and upload code signing requests, all managed by spaceship
  • Multiple Spaceship: You can launch multiple spaceships with different Apple accounts to do things like syncing the registered devices.


This project has been sponsored by ZeroPush. spaceship was developed by @snatchev and @KrauseFx.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file.


  1. Create an issue to start a discussion about your idea
  2. Fork it (https://github.com/fastlane/spaceship/fork)
  3. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request