
UserVoice for iOS (SDK for iPhone and iPad apps)

Primary LanguageObjective-C


UserVoice for iOS allows you to embed UserVoice directly in your iPhone or iPad app.


You will need to have a UserVoice account (free) for it to connect to. Go to uservoice.com/ios to sign up.

Binary builds of the SDK are available for download.

We also have an example app on GitHub that demonstrates how to build and integrate the SDK.


  • Download the latest build.
  • Drag UVHeaders, UVResources, and libUserVoice.a into your project.
    • When adding the folders, make sure you have "Create groups for any added folders" selected rather than "Create folder references for any added folders".
  • Note that the .h files in UVHeaders do not need to be added to your target.
  • Add QuartzCore and SystemConfiguration frameworks to your project.

See DEV.md if you want to build the SDK yourself.

Note: If you opt to compile pull the UserVoice source into your application rather than using libUserVoice.a, and your project uses ARC, you will need to set -fno-objc-arc for all of the UserVoice source files. We are not currently using ARC, although we are planning to migrate to it eventually.


Once you have completed these steps, you are ready to launch the UserVoice UI from your code. Import UserVoice.h and create a UVConfig using one of the following options.


Start by creating a UVConfig object like this:

UVConfig *config = [UVConfig configWithSite:@"yoursite.uservoice.com"];

All other configuration settings are optional. If you want, you can jump straight to Invocation.

User identification

If you know who your user is, you can pass in their identity so that they won't have to enter their name or email to send tickets or post ideas.

[config identifyUserWithEmail:@"user@example.com" name:@"Example User" guid:@"123"];

GUID can be the same as email, but if you have an internal user id, you can pass that so that the user's account will have continuity if they later change their email address.

Note: One limitation is that this will not work if the email address matches an admin on your UserVoice account (for security reasons). Admins will still be able to use the iOS SDK but they will need to sign in the first time they do. If you are testing this feature, make sure you are not testing with an admin account.

Specify a forum

You can specify which forum users will interact with by id. If you do not specify a forum, it will use the default forum for your account.

config.forumId = 123;

Specify a help topic

You can also specify a help topic by id. If you don't then it will display a list of all topics in your account, as long as they contain at least one article.

config.topicId = 123;

Custom Fields

You can set custom field values on the UVConfig object. These will be used associated with any tickets the user creates during their session. You can also use this to set default values for custom fields on the contact form.

Note: You must first configure these fields in the UserVoice admin console. If you pass fields that are not recognized by the server, they will be ignored.

config.customFields = @{@"Key" : @"Value"};

Toggle features

You can turn off certain features of the SDK if you do not want to use them. By default, all features are enabled if they are available on your account.

1. Turn off browsing the forum. The user will still be able to post ideas, and view ideas that they find by searching.

config.showForum = NO;

2. Turn off posting ideas. The user will still be able to browse and search existing ideas.

config.showPostIdea = NO;

3. Turn off the contact form.

config.showContactUs = NO;

4. Turn of the knowledge base. This only affects the knowledge base browser on the portal screen. Instant answers will still include articles.

config.showKnowledgeBase = NO;

If you deep-link to an area that is turned off (such as the contact form), it will still work. Turning off the feature only prevents it from being accessible anywhere in the UserVoice UI.

Invocation (Deep Linking)

There are 4 options for how to launch UserVoice from within your app:

1. Standard UserVoice Interface: This launches the UserVoice for iOS portal page where the user can browse suggestions, contact you or browse the knowledgebase. This is the full experience of everything the SDK can do.

[UserVoice presentUserVoiceInterfaceForParentViewController:self andConfig:config];

2. Direct link to contact form: Launches user directly into the contact form, with Instant Answers, experience. Useful to link to from error or setup pages in your app.

[UserVoice presentUserVoiceContactUsFormForParentViewController:self andConfig:config];

3. Direct link to feedback forum: Launches the user directly into the feedback forum where they can browse, vote on or give their own feedback. Useful for linking from a "Give us your ideas?" prompt from within your app.

[UserVoice presentUserVoiceForumForParentViewController:self andConfig:config];

4. Direct link to idea form: Launches user directly into the idea form, with Instant Answers, experience.

[UserVoice presentUserVoiceNewIdeaFormForParentViewController:self andConfig:config];

Customizing Colors

You can also customize the appearance of the UserVoice user interface by creating a custom stylesheet.

    #import "UVStyleSheet.h"

    @interface MyStyleSheet : UVStyleSheet


    @implementation MyStyleSheet
    - (UIColor *)backgroundColor {
        return [UIColor colorWithRed:0.15f green:0.15f blue:0.15f alpha:1.0f];


    [UVStyleSheet setStyleSheet:[[MyStyleSheet alloc] init]];

User Language

The library will detect and display in the language the device is set to provided that language is supported by the SDK (see currently supported languages.).


You can share feedback on the UserVoice for iOS forum.


What if I only want to collect feedback? What if I only want a contact form? Don’t worry. UserVoice is a modular system and you can link to only the parts of the SDK you want to use. Check out how you can configure invocation.

Why would I use this over a Mail link? There are a lot of reasons why UserVoice for iOS is superior to a Mail link:

  • It doesn’t take your users out of your app.
  • It’s a more efficient way to scale customer support and engagement:
    • UserVoice automatically suggests articles and forum posts that help solve users’ issues before they contact you. We call it Instant Answers and it can reduce your support load by up to 40%.
    • We've shown it can reduce junk emails (people clicking send to get out of the email app) by up to 74%.
    • You can setup custom fields to ask custom questions and pass in environment information (account IDs) that help your agents answer questions faster, reducing the back and forth between agents and customers.
  • By having a dedicated space for users to give feedback and vote up other users’ ideas, not only will you get more feedback (and more prioritized feedback), but you’ll also reduce the number of feature requests that end up in your support queue.

What if I have a web app as well? No problemo! Every UserVoice account comes with a yourname.uservoice.com site and web widgets so you can administer both your mobile and web users from your UserVoice admin console.

What about users who still send in email for support? UserVoice can handle that as well. Simply setup your existing support email forward to your UserVoice tickets email address (tickets@yourdomain.uservoice.com).

Does it pass device ids or anything that would get me in trouble with Apple? Nope. UserVoice for iOS follows all of Apple’s policies to make sure you can confidently include our SDK in your app.

Can I customize the look and feel to match my app? Yes. You can customize the colors of the UserVoice modal dialogs by creating your own stylesheet. Check out the [customization ] (https://github.com/uservoice/uservoice-iphone-sdk#customizing-colors) for more info.

If you have any other questions please contact support@uservoice.com.


UserVoice for iOS now has support for the following locales: ca, cs, da, de, el, en-GB, en, es, fi, fr, hr, hu, id, it, ja, ko, ms, nb, nl, pl, pt-PT, pt, ro, ru, sk, sv, th, tr, uk, vi, zh-Hans, zh-Hant.

If you have done an additional translation, we would love to pull it in so that everyone can benefit. Just fork the project and submit a pull request.

Some strings that show up in the SDK may come directly from the UserVoice API. If a translation is missing for a string that does not appear in the SDK codebase, you will need to contribute to the main UserVoice translation site.

iOS Versions

  • Full support for iOS 5.0+
  • For iOS 4.3 we accept patches, but don't guarantee support
  • Earlier versions of iOS are not supported
  • Builds are provided for armv7--there is no armv6 device that runs a supported version of iOS
  • In general, the plan is to keep in step with public releases of Xcode


Special thanks to:


Copyright 2010 UserVoice Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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