
Elixir Phoenix 1.6 + Broadway Demo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ticketed 🎟

A more complete example of using Broadway with a RabbitMQ produced within and Phoenix 1.6 application which includes leveraging Ecto & Swoosh (email) w/ unit tests for a slightly more realistic implementation.

For the accompanying book from which this demo was inspired see: Concurrent Data Processing in Elixir by Svilen Gospodinov

Getting started

Configure RabbitMQ

Create a config/dev.env file with the following completed:

export TICKETED_MQ_HOST="somerandomstring.mq.us-east-1.amazonaws.com"
export TICKETED_MQ_PORT=5671
export TICKETED_MQ_QUEUE="ticketed"
export TICKETED_MQ_USERNAME="a-username"
export TICKETED_MQ_PASSWORD="some-password"

ℹ️ For this demo I have used secure connections amqps://.

To disable SSL you can edit the connection code in the BuildPipeline for the RabbitMQ producer by removing the ssl_options.

Within the .iex.exs the send_messages/1 helper uses AMQP directly, change amqps:// to amqp://.

Setup & Run App

Grab deps

$ mix do deps.get, compile
$ source config/dev.env

Run tests

$ mix test

Run app

$ mix ecto.reset
$ iex -S mix phx.server

Fire a bunch of messages onto your RabbitMQ 🐰

iex> send_messages.(10)


Phoenix Dashboard

open http://localhost:4000/dev/dashboard

Ecto & PSQL Dashboard:

$ open http://localhost:4000/dev/dashboard/ecto_stats

Broadway Processing Pipeline Dashboard:

$ open http://localhost:4000/dev/dashboard/broadway?nav=BookingsPipeline

Email Mailbox (dev)

View Emails using Swoosh test Mailbox:

$ open http://localhost:4000/dev/mailbox