./change_catalog.py -- # Slight change to check_catalog.py to move map source to digital ocean
./check_catalog.py -- # Validate map_catalog.json from http://unleashkids.org
./docs1line.py -- # print the second line in each file in this directory to stdout
./download.py -- # Download satellite images from Sentinel Cloudless
./download.py.orig -- # Download satellite imagess from Sentinel Cloudless
./extend_sat.py -- # Exploration of tiles surrounding a lat/lon
./iiab-extend-sat.py -- # This instance of python_mbtiles/tile-dl.py was made specific to expand satellite
./make_bboxes.py -- # create spec for bounding boxes used in IIAB vector map subsets to stdout
./mbdir2bbox.py -- # Read all mbtiles in curdir. Write bboxes.geojson to ./output/bboxes.geojson
./mbtile2bbox.py -- # Read a mbtiles sqlite3 database, report bbox for given zoom
./merge_regions -- # Combine vector data in mbtiles format
./mk_md5.sh -- # insure that every *.mbtiles file in PREFIX has a md5sum file alongside
./mkcsv.py -- # create csv file as expected by openmaptiles/extracts
./sat-dl.py -- # Download satellite tiles for sentinel cloudless
./tile-dl.py -- # Exploration of tiles surrounding a lat/lon
./tools.py -- # Translates between lat/long and the slippy-map tile numbering scheme
./up2ia.py -- # Upload the Regional osm-vector maps to InernetArchive