
Minimal demonstration of a refreshable Clojure app inside a Docker container

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • The enclosed directory hello.world can be run inside of Edge, see directions there.
  • Docker integration needs to be added.
  • The system is otherwise feature complete with regard to the objectives below.
  • Documentation below is notional.


Spin up a minimal demonstration of a CIDER refreshable application.

To make a reasonable comparison with Figwheel, this will be a web app. Let's make a website where we click a button to say "Hello ______".

We can then:

  • Change who is being greeted in the frontend.
  • Change what the greeting says in the backend.
  • Witness the reloading.

Let's also make this inside a docker container to approximate a standard industry workflow.


  • lein
  • docker


  • docker-compose up

Browse to localhost:8070


  • Make code change in a clj or edn file and press M-x cider-ns-reload RET.
  • Make code change in a cljs file and reload the page?

Guided tour

Emacs Interface

.dir-locals.el is a configuration for Emacs contains instructions for stopping and starting the system using integrant.repl.

Note, you will have to interactively accept the use of local variables inside Emacs.

((nil . ((cider-ns-refresh-before-fn "integrant.repl/suspend")
         (cider-ns-refresh-after-fn "integrant.repl/resume")))))

Alternatively we could have defined these variables system-wide inside of .emacs.

System Definition

We will define the system itself using Integrant, but similar functionality exists for Component.

  • system_config.edn contains the outline of the system
  • core.clj loads the system

REPL configuration

user.clj configures the REPL

Constraining Search

Inside user.clj, we set clojure.tools.namespace/set-refresh-dirs to constrain which directories are scanned at the refresh stage.

Documentation and gotchas

This looks good:

Here are some additional relevant bits of documentation about reloading

Notable things:

  • "Reloading code does not work in the presence of AOT-compiled namespaces."

  • "Either keep your REPL in a namespace which has no file associated with it, such as user, or put all your REPL definitions in a file so that they can be reloaded."

Other useful information

Saturday, 21:31: Leaving off with something sketched but not working