
a proposed translation of toki pona lexicon into github emoji

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a proposed translation of toki pona lexicon into github emoji

I thought it would be interesting to select a subset of the emoticons listed on emoji-cheat-sheet.com and use them as an alternate visual language for toki pona.

See word_list.org for the emoji rendition of the classic word list and sample_phrases.org for the emoji rendition of these basic phrases.

The emoji are active on Github and other places. Suggestions about alternative treatments are most welcome!

What's next

  1. Perhaps a rendition of these phrases... beginning with:

🪲 🔺 🙇 🍲 👈

pipi li lon moku mi

(Waiter, there's a fly in my soup.)

  1. But perhaps more importantly, some code (which I have already written and need to dust off) for input. Bonus points for me if I manage to get one of the formal grammars implemented along with the input method.