
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Equinor Trading template repo

This is a template containing all the essentials you need when creating a new repo for a project. The main components are the following:

  • docs - This is folder contains the setup needed to build the docstring documentation.
  • src - Main folder for code modules.
  • test - Folder containing tests.
  • .github/workflows/lint-and-format.yml - Github Actions workflow for lint checking and automated testing.
  • pre-commit-config.yaml - Pre-commit configuration for automatically running lint checking and automated testing before committing.
  • pyproject.toml, poetry.lock - Project and package definition.
  • setup.cfg - Configuration of linting tools.

Getting started

  1. Install poetry
  2. Clone repository
  3. Run poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true followed by poetry install from the project root folder. A .venv folder should now be created and placed in the root of the project.
  4. Run poetry shell to create a new poetry shell, followed jupyter notebook to open jupyter notebook in this environment.
  5. Install pre-commit hook by running poetry run pre-commit install

How to build the docs

Build .rst files

poetry run sphinx-apidoc -o docs/source src

Build HTML files from .rst files

poetry run sphinx-build -b html docs/source docs/build

The docs can now be accessed under docs/build.

Run tests

poetry run python -m pytest