
A partially complete version of pong that allows students to PRIMM their way to a full game

Primary LanguagePython


This code is a partially completed version of the classic game "pong". Your mission is to create a fully working one-player version that:

  1. Has the ball move up/down and left/right
  2. Has the ball bounce off the top, bottom, and right walls
  3. Has the ball bounce off the paddle
  4. Has a "score" variable that shows how many hits in a row the user has had
  5. Resets the game and the "score" if the player misses the ball and it touches the left wall


The only thing that you should need to do to get this project up and running is:

0. Open the Project's Workspace

Open vscode and select File -> Open Workspace from File. Then, select the pong.code-workspace file within this project folder.

1. Install Necessary Extensions

On the left-most side of the vscode window, select the "Extensions" tab (four small squares making a larger square) and install the following extensions:

  • Python
  • Pylance (auto installed with Python extension)
  • Black Formatter
  • isort

Note: be careful to select only the "Microsoft approved" extensions.

2. Install Necessary Python Modules

Open the terminal window by selecting Terminal -> New Terminal. Then, install all the required libraries by typing:

pip3 install pytest pygame

3. Verify it Runs

You now should be able to run the program and see a white ball and paddle set against a black background. To do this, open the src/pong/main.py file and click the "play button" at the top right. Assuming you see the ball and the paddle, move onto the next task.

Game Development

Now that everything is setup, you can start with developing the game. The file you are editing is src/pong/main.py.

Read the Code

Look through the code and try and understand it. Pay particular attention to:

  • The difference between ball_x vs. ball_x_speed
  • What happens during a "collision"
  • Why the paddle can only move up (but not down)

Modify the Code

Now that you understand the code a little bit, work to accomplish each of the following tasks in order:

  1. Have the ball move up/down and left/right
    • Hint: examine the ball_x_speed and ball_y_speed variables
  2. Change the ball from white to blue
    • Hint: change the get_rgb_color() function
  3. Have the ball bounce off the top, bottom, and right walls
    • Hint: examine how the ball detects/reacts to the right wall and copy the logic
  4. Have the ball bounce off the paddle
    • Hint: look at the ball_y_speed
  5. Have a "score" variable that shows how many hits in a row the user has had
    • Hint: research pygame.font.Font on the internet
  6. Reset the game and the "score" if the player misses the ball and it touches the left wall


The hardest part of developing this game is to detect when the ball hits the paddle. The way I think about it is the following: if the ball is to the left of the right side of the paddle AND to the right of the left side of the paddle AND to below the top of the paddle AND above the bottom of the paddle, then it's hitting the paddle. You can represent this with a complex if statement that uses three and connectors.

Extend the Code

  • Two-player pong with a left AND right paddle
  • Have the ball become a new, "random" color every time it hits a paddle
  • Have the ball bounce off the paddle at an angle dependent on where it hits the paddle