# WoWHellgarve-Legion How to use the bugtracker? ------------------------- On the Bugtracker everything must be written in English. Before reporting, please make sure that the problem has not been reported already by another player. - Register your own Github account for free to report your issue(s). - Use the search engine to find out if a similar problem has been already reported. If so, check if it's already been fixed and waits for update. - Make sure, that what you report is actually a bug. - Enclose links to things related to the bug using http://wowhead.com (please note: The XP relates issues are not completely reliable because there have been many changes in the game between Cataclysm-4.3.4 and the current version what wowhead uses). - You can use screenshot/video clip from ingame to visual the issue and for better understanding the problem. - Use our ISSUE_TEMPLATE when you creating a new report (otherwise it would be invalid). - Write your reports title according to the format:<br> Example issue report titles: * `[Quest][Azuremyst Isle]` Red Snapper - Very Tasty! ( with wowhead-link ) * `[NPC]` Magistrix Erona<br> * `[Spell][Mage]` Fireball * `[Npc][Drop]` Ghostclaw Lynx Usefull links: https://www.wowhead.com https://wowpedia.fandom.com/ https://wow.tools/ https://www.youtube.com https://prnt.sc/ Donate options : Website: https://wowhellgarve.com/legion/en/donate ko_fi: https://ko-fi.com/wowhellgarve_kyriancore Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=2880461 Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/HellgarveLagos