
A JQuery plugin for rendering timetable

Primary LanguageJavaScript

jquery-timetable is a jquery plugin for rendering timetable.

I use it to help prepare my son's school bag.  See http://www.jadualsekolah.com/demo/.

See example.html for an example usage.

The file test.html contains the integration tests using jqunit.

It is still in its infancy stage.

Known issues:

- Does not run on IE7, never tested on other IEs. Fails a few tests on Opera
  which I haven't had the time to fix.
- It can only render on a single target on a page. Rendering at multiple target
  is not supported and the behavior is not tested at all.
- The time duration is fixed at the top going horizontally and the day are
  fixed at the left going vertically.
- I'm sure you'll find many more :)

Improvements are welcomed.


1. jquery-mColorPicker
2. jquery-autotype

Run `git submodule init && git submodule update` after cloning, and then open
test.html in your browser.

It seems to work on Chrome, Firefox and Safari.