
A lightweight validation mixin by using built-in HTML5 form validation features

Primary LanguageJavaScript


vue-validate is a lightweight validation mixin, by using built-in HTML5 form validation features.


You have to set name attribute for form elements, you could use like this demo.

<form v-validate="optionalValue">
var vm = new Vue({
    el: '#form',
    mixins: [validate(options)],
    methods: {
        submit: function () {
            alert('TODO submit');

By default, Validate elements after each input event, You can add the data-lazy="true" attribute to instead sync after change events:

<input type="email" name="email" data-lazy="true">

Vue instances vm expose a property errors and a method valid(selector).

List of built-in validation Rules

  • min
  • max
  • minlength
  • maxlength
  • minlength2 至少几个字(两个字母算一个字,一个中文算一个字)
  • maxlength2

Add a custom validation method

Merge one or more methods to options.methods, returning true if an element is valid.

options = {
    // @param bindingValue - The value passed to the directive
    rulename: function (value, elem, param, bindingValue) {
        return boolean;
  • rulename: The name of the method used to identify it and referencing it; this must be a valid JavaScript identifier of lower case, e.g. rangelength.
  • value: the current value of the validated element.
  • elem: the element to be validated.
  • param: the value of data-rule-rulename on the elem,parameters specified for the method.


One or more key/value pairs, the value consists of input name, validity state and message:

    age: {
        state: 'valueMissing',
        message: 'Please fill out this field.'
    email: {
        state: 'typeMismatch',
        message: "Please include an '@' in the email address. 'a' is missing an '@'."

A validity state has the following values:

  • valueMissing:When a control has no value but has a required attribute (input required, textarea required); or, more complicated rules for select elements and controls in radio button groups, as specified in their sections.
  • typeMismatch: When a control that allows arbitrary user input has a value that is not in the correct syntax (E-mail, URL).
  • patternMismatch: When a control has a value that doesn't satisfy the pattern attribute.
  • tooLong: When a control has a value that is too long for the form control maxlength attribute (input maxlength, textarea maxlength).
  • tooShort: When a control has a value that is too short for the form control minlength attribute (input minlength, textarea minlength).
  • rangeUnderflow: When a control has a value that is not the empty string and is too low for the min attribute.
  • rangeOverflow: When a control has a value that is not the empty string and is too high for the max attribute.
  • stepMismatch: When a control has a value that doesn't fit the rules given by the step attribute.
  • badInput: When a control has incomplete input and the user agent does not think the user ought to be able to submit the form in its current state.
  • customError: When a control's custom validity error message (as set by the element's setCustomValidity() method) is not the empty string.


  • selector: Element or css selector

Returns true if the selector has no validity problems, false otherwise.

Browser compatibility
