
Primary LanguageTypeScript


  1. Make sure you have node version 8.10.0. (You can use nvm, run nvm use v8.10.0)
  2. Install yarn

Client-Side Development

cd client

  1. yarn install
  2. country=ke page=first yarn dev and open

Create a new Page

cd client
yarn new-page

And follow the instructions.

Code Structure

first landing page is in ./client/src/landing-pages/first/ directory.

Files in this directory:

  • Root.tsx is the main component for the landing page
  • index.tsx, index.ssr.tsx, hotReload.tsx are boilerplate, don't worry about them.

Update locales of a page

yarn update-page-locales

Available Pages

  • country=ke page=first yarn dev
  • country=ke page=ipad-desktop yarn dev
  • country=gr page=love-horoscope yarn dev

Release a Page

country=ke page=first yarn build-and-upload-page

You must have osui_aws_access_key_id and osui_secret_access_key environment variables.

The command will display the preview link of the page.


Re-usable components:

yarn docz:dev will give you a URL like (http://localhost:3000), open this URL on your browser.

System Design Decisions

The following topics are related to advanced features that are not fully tested.

Generate Server-side rendering

Inside client,

  1. page=first yarn build:ssr:all

Server development

First make sure that you have built the pages for server-side rendering. (above)

cd server

  1. yarn install
  2. yarn dev-server and open http://localhost:3030/Z0JBQQ

Development Without React:

noReact=true page=love-horoskop html=true yarn dev

Development Without CSS Modules:

page=love-horoskop html=true yarn dev