
first of all make two files, requirements.txt and packages.r you can write name of any r and python packages in these both file and after building docker image all the packages will be access from python and R kernel.

geo packages for python

Various open source software libraries and utilities that can be useful for GIS in python environment.

  • earthengine-api
  • Geopandas
  • RSGISLib
  • PyProj
  • Shapely
  • GEOS
  • Fiona
  • pyshp
  • Rasterio

geo packages for R

  • "raster"
  • "sf"
  • "rasterVis"
  • "tmap"
  • "leaflet"
  • "widgetframe"
  • "tidyverse"
  • "spData"
  • "geofacet"
  • "tidycensus",
  • "linemap"
  • "gapminder"
  • "tigris"
  • "osmdata"
  • "mapview"
  • "opencage"