- 0
After HA Update 2024.10.4 only start screen appears in the app - no connection to server
#4759 opened by Joo01 - 0
Android - Did not receive auth message within 10 seconds
#4758 opened by Dzoker2 - 14
Work profile sensor not saving state if true and app quits or device is restarted, sensor resets to false
#4755 opened by NoRi2909 - 1
Why minimal apk is larger than full apk?
#4754 opened by abu-matterize - 2
browser localStorage does not contain access_token (normally under key: 'hassTokens')
#4747 opened by JoeHogan - 38
Pixel 8a only really updates location when app is active and phone screen is on
#4679 opened by ChristopheKoeck - 13
bug of background activation of high accuracy mode
#4749 opened by DOK87 - 7
Grammar problem in "location_disabled_notification_short_message"/"location_tracking_summary"
#4739 opened by NoRi2909 - 6
- 0
- 1
Wrong use of "click" for a touchscreen app, plus better wording for permissions
#4728 opened by NoRi2909 - 8
Race Condition Sending Location Updates
#4693 opened by wbyoung - 1
Impossible to edit with samsung s-pen, the configuration and settings of mushroom cards using sections, with finger works correctly
#4725 opened by kitopopo - 4
Large data spikes when not on Wi-Fi
#4723 opened by Jay2645 - 2
- 0
- 15
- 0
Fix spelling of "MAC address"
#4713 opened by NoRi2909 - 17
Add UI for editing the list of existing NFC tags plus a "Name" field to label them
#4709 opened by NoRi2909 - 4
- 0
Wrong use of "ringtone" instead of "notification sound"
#4707 opened by NoRi2909 - 5
- 3
Missing genitiv apostrophe in some UI strings
#4704 opened by NoRi2909 - 2
Companion app hard freezes couple of seconds upon login
#4701 opened by Sleor - 6
Offline location cache
#4627 opened by Cyberes - 10
- 1
Need ecobee API!
#4703 opened by ggould1210 - 1
TTS using notifications can't be heard when connected to Android Auto
#4688 opened by erickson-brian57 - 3
- 0
WearOS: Can we have more than 7 shortcuts in the shortcuts tiles pretty please?
#4684 opened by quack3d - 2
Notification uses FCM even though "Persistent Connection" was set to "Always"
#4683 opened by gthbusrr - 3
Media player has a big blue circle and is unresponsive. On reboots doesn't recover or control the linked media player. UI also looks odd
#4646 opened by ivorsmorenburg - 3
Location notification badge is always shown in android
#4677 opened by jakob30061 - 4
- 1
- 2
- 1
[AAOS] Read car fuel and battery levels on automotive
#4669 opened by domeng83 - 3
Auto restart App after X minutes
#4660 opened by iulko - 1
Improve placeholder for camera widget (keep previous when unable to load)
#4644 opened by ivorsmorenburg - 0
When doing Android2Android Data Transfer - 1 registered device = 2 physical device issue
#4650 opened by delize - 3
Entity Widget isn't updating after a reboot or lost connection leaving out of sync visible even if has correct updated data until you tap
#4645 opened by ivorsmorenburg - 1
Camera dosent load on reboot
#4643 opened by ivorsmorenburg - 3
- 1
Better icons in landscape orientation
#4639 opened by tigers75 - 1
- 2
- 2
- 1
Actionable Notifications for WearOS
#4614 opened by JosephAbbey - 1
huawei phone no location problem.
#4613 opened by drveni - 8